Quest Bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by darkcloud2334, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. darkcloud2334

    darkcloud2334 New Member

    Nov 22, 2017
    I've been having the issue where my first Shadow quest the one involving Lily in Smog Town,
    Resets whenever I log out of the server forcing me to refight all the trainers again to move up in it.
    I started this quest at level 15 and am now level 23 thanks to it bugging out and restarting my progress.
    I made it all the way to Zook in Amethyst tower and now it's telling me to fight Lily again.
    I don't want to keep fighting Lily, Adon, and Nags, to get back to where I was before.

    Please fix this bug or skip me ahead to Zook from now on.

    Attached Files:

  2. UV_Hail

    UV_Hail Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Hello darkcloud2334,

    Unfortunately the quest only saves at specific checkpoints and it is recommended that you do it all in one go. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. darkcloud2334

    darkcloud2334 New Member

    Nov 22, 2017
    So you're saying that this one quest in particular has NO save point and it'll continue to reset all my progress UNTIL I finish it.....

    Yeah I'm never donating to this server, like ever.
    I was planning on donating for a chance at Thanksgiving Gardevoir (since Gardevoir is my favorite pokemon) but I'm not paying $15 for a CHANCE. I'm not a betting man and I'm not Gambling $15 for a pokemon that nobody's gonna ever trade. You just HAD to make a special Gardevoir, didn't ya? -_-
  4. darkcloud2334

    darkcloud2334 New Member

    Nov 22, 2017
    Ya know I might be willing to pay $20 to $25 if I were to be able to CHOOSE a pokemon to get, but I feel like it's a bit cheaty to have it be random.
    I don't want to get 2 Shuckles looking for a Gardevoir/Snorlax, you get me? And there's no way anyone's gonna take a Shuckle, Understand?
    Thanksgiving/Halloween or whatever. And lemme guess, you got a Christmas set planned already huh?

    How about it, 1.5x the price of a normal egg for a choice that which pokemon you get?
    I feel like that's fair, is that fair, I hope it's fair.

    (I just really wanna get the special Gardevoir because I'll never have another chance to get it and anyone who has her isn't gonna want to trade because they're all a bunch of selfish cacti.