Suggestions For Preventing Scams and Griefs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AlmightyPiLord, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. AlmightyPiLord

    AlmightyPiLord Crazy Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
    Howdy PokeFind!
    Though many players on our beloved server are kind, honest people, there are some people who will attempt to scam and grief other players. Sadly, many of these players are never able to be brought to justice since video evidence is needed to report these crimes and many players either don't have access to such software or simply didn't think to record during these incidences (or were not online, in the case of some griefs). So, the best way to keep yourself safe is to simply prevent these incidents to the best of your ability.
    Here in this post, I will give some suggestions on how to prevent incidents of griefs, scams, and stealing. Let's start with:

    1. Do NOT click the glass pane unless the other player has also put in their Pokémon and/or items.
    This may sound like an obvious one, but I have seen players make this mistake. In fact, I myself had done it. Be sure they also put in their part of the deal before you accept the trade.

    2. Always CHECK the nature (and if possible, IVs) of the Pokémon you are receiving.
    Ah yes, another one I am guilty of. It's always best to check the natures and IVs of the Pokémon you are receiving if you care about that kind of stuff, especially if you stated what nature and IVs you wanted to trade for with the other player. You may also try to convince the player to unlock the IVs for the Pokémon by having them visit the IV checker (Suggested by RainbowTeletubi).

    3. If you are trading items that cannot be put into the trade window, try to convince the other player to GIVE THEIR SIDE OF THE TRADE FIRST.
    There's honestly not much that can be done to prevent scams resulting from this type of trade. The best I can think of is to simply try to convince them to trade their share first. If they refuse, I recommend recording the incident in case it turns out to be a scam or simply turning down the trade.


    1. Only coop/invite to your island/group PLAYERS YOU TRUST.
    Coop-ing and inviting untrustworthy players is the best way to get scammed or griefed. If you don't like being alone, I recommend getting to know the other player better before deciding to give them permissions to your beloved island and/or base. For Skyblock, If you must coop someone (in order to trade for example), and do not have time to get to know them, either insist to trade at their island or coop for the trade and un-coop as soon as the trade is finished. Or, you may do the trade in the lobby if possible.

    2. Make sure they give the RIGHT AMOUNT OF MONEY (Skyblock)
    For trades involving money, be sure to look extra carefully at the amount they give you. Make sure there isn't an extra 0 (or other number) missing. This suggestion is most effective if they give you the money first before you give them anything.

    3. Be sure they give the RIGHT AMOUNT OF ITEMS.
    This suggestion goes along with #2, but also applies to Survival. Make sure that they gave you all the items you asked for.

    4. CLAIM your land (Survival)
    Another one that is obvious, yet people seem to not do regardless, especially if they are new. If you do not claim your land, it is extremely likely that you will be griefed. Remember, the command to claim a chunk is /g claim (make sure you have already created a group with /g create). Non-ranked players may claim up to 10 chunks of land (Pro may claim 11, Expert 13, Elite 15, Champion 17, and Legend 20).

    1. Only tpa to PLAYERS YOU TRUST.
    This suggestion speaks for itself. Do not teleport to players unless you know them well.

    2. Do NOT tpa to players while wearing/bearing VALUABLE ITEMS.
    If you must tpa to someone you do not trust, it's best to leave all your valuables at home so you do not loose much in the case of death.

    3. DO /g home (Survival), /home (Survival), /wild (Survival), or /is (Skyblock) in a risky event.
    If you believe you have been teleported somewhere dangerous, teleport out as quickly as possible with one of the above commands.


    If any of the above suggestions fail for one reason or another, please RECORD ALL TRADES/RISKY SITUATIONS. Nothing can be done without video evidence. Stay safe, everyone! I hope this thread helps <3

    If you have any other suggestions for how to prevent scams, griefs, or steals, please leave a comment below and I will add it to the post. Thank you!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  2. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Great advice! ;)
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  3. KeeGaming

    KeeGaming New Member

    Sep 25, 2017
    Hopefully many people read this post so it can solve many issues that occur because it’s really well said and easy to understand
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  4. AlmightyPiLord

    AlmightyPiLord Crazy Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
    Thank you all! I just realized I spelled Grief wrong in the title and throughout the post... it’s fixed now XD
  5. Baeporeon

    Baeporeon UBER Active Member

    May 27, 2018
    very well done :) lovely and helpful guide, this will definitely help others :D
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  6. Terrier_Paws

    Terrier_Paws Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Mar 21, 2017
  7. AcaKasapin

    AcaKasapin New Member

    Jul 3, 2018
    Great post I hope it will help as many people as possible! :)
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  8. TurtleBallistic

    TurtleBallistic Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Well done! I hope this helps people keep their items.
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  9. HobbyGuy123

    HobbyGuy123 Active Member

    Jun 24, 2017

    Oof I just say use common sense :confused:
  10. Pars2000

    Pars2000 Crazy Active Member

    Jan 13, 2018
    Scammers :mad:
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  11. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Maybe you could add: try and make your trade partner unlock the IVS. Most scams are players saying the IVs are better then they are, but with unlocking it would prevent that ;)
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.
  12. AlmightyPiLord

    AlmightyPiLord Crazy Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
    Added! Thank you for the suggestion :D
    RainbowTeletubi likes this.
  13. TrueFact

    TrueFact New Member

    Mar 27, 2018
    Great post :)
    AlmightyPiLord likes this.