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I dont know myself but if you have not gotten anything please contact support@ with your IGN and that you have not gotten...
You can check what the value of any block you place with /is value Also i suggest swapping to 1.13 for skyblock
You can craft iron hoes
Sorry But there is no way to bring it back
Graphics: fast smooth lighting: off particles: min render: 2 chunks kinda like that for the main points. If you've already done stuff like that...
Try lowering your video settings and render distance, and make sure to be on a version between 1.10-1.12
Welcome to the forums!! <3
The resource pack is not available for download, it's constantly being updated. What issue are you having exactly?
Which server is giving you this issue?
<3 thanks
My favs are Articuno and Mew <3
The latest message Shady
back through the ender portal if i recalled correctly. Bill should be here X: 1123 / Y: 18 / Z: -887 and the one previous should be here X: 1160 /...