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Thanks for contributing to the PokeFind community as a Staff Memeber... Even if you were only staff for 1 day. Hope you get the IRL situation...
Try deleting the entire .minecraft folder in %appdata% and relog.
Hey, sorry for the late response. You should try relogging and if that doesn’t clear the problem, message an Admin/Manager either on Discord or...
Please relog/go to the lobby because you shouldn’t be able to sell Pokemon in the shop. We have gotten a lot of big reports about people losing...
From the screenshot you provided, try doing /is level /is should work though If that was your island in the screenshot, how did you get there? DM...
Welcome to PokeFind! We are glad to have you and that you enjoy the server.
Contact a Manager/Admin and they might be able to take you life orb away and give you another one. They might also just refund you with you battle...
With chocolate syrup
I've been accepted as a Staff Member!
Your receipt should have been sent to your email after your purchase.
Like, what do you know about Pokémon and put a lot of detail