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Same, but would they really have a use for my army of <15 level vulpix?? XD
But the thing is, /iv and /ev is a critical part of the game for some people, and most of us have no alternative way of calculating IVs (I've...
It's alright, no worries-- it's an inconvenience, but if it will eventually be fixed I can be patient ;)
Ah okay. Unfortunately donating isn't an option for me at this time-- I'll just keep training my team ;) Thanks!
Do you know if they've discussed plans to add /iv back in? I hate to sound buggy but I'm running out of space in the PC and I'm just wondering if...
Thank you so much for helping get this sorted out :)
Oh wow, really? I hope they can fix it! Gotta iv my Vulpix army, ya know? ;)
Thank you so much. It's just such a necessary thing, and there are a lot of other things you can add as paid player perks. Like I said, I...
Are you serious?? I of all people understand that the server needs to make money. But the /ivs and /evs are some of the most important aspects...
Whenever I try to use the /iv (or /ivs, can't remember which one it was but neither works), I get a "You do not have permission to access this...