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Never saw the new one :o as you probably know I’m Canadian too xD I also love swimming but we both know leafeon is the best eeveelution :p I’m...
That’s why I was saying it might not be the most plausible idea because there is a few little nit pics like some eeveeultions have been in eggs...
Hopefully many people read this post so it can solve many issues that occur because it’s really well said and easy to understand
One of the most popular Pokémon in the franchise is Eevee and it’s eeveeultions. (evolutions) My idea to pitch is to add an Eevee all egg. It is...
Leafeon it’s the best eeveeultion Mudkip is definitely second
Welcome to the forums! Lucky your so close to Disney. Greek Mythology is pretty interesting and Green Tea is the best but I prefer Wendy’s. I’ll...
Trying to be the very best like no one ever was xd