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Super helpful compilation of all the mob drops in the Survival gamemode. I will be sure to refer to this. Thank you, Valedrin!
I highly encourage everyone to explore on their own before making use of this guide, but you do as you please. Follow the link below for a guide...
Tested this quest recently and I was not able to go back through the portal leading to the last NPC in question after having left that area, so I...
Dazzling Gleam is now added to the Normal Merchant. ;)
Below is an overview of every Move Tutor and what moves they tutor at what cost - currency used is coins. You can click on every move to see what...
Nice to see that you're back! Please share your content whenever you push it out ;)
They do in PokéWorld, but not here apparently. I have mentioned it in the qa survival channel. :)
Technical Machines (TMs) are sold at Merchants in Survival. They allow your Pokémon to learn moves they are not able to learn during its learnset....