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Oh my.. Let's get the party started then!
Once again a beautifully made guide, hope i can see something about PokeWorld or PokeSurvival which is popular! Good Job!
Good Job Demo but.. You better put Walreins to the top ;)
Thanks once again for a beautifully made guide! It will really help out the community! :D
Awesome Guide! Really helpful for new players trying to get the hand of it! Keep it up..
Great Guide once again! Thanks a lot! Hope to see even more ;)
Welcome to the Forums! Hope you will enjoy your stay.. I would love to be your teammate in a Pokewars game ;)
Thanks for the Guide! Really helped me out.. Keep it up! ;)
The Suggestion would be too complicated, it would be nice if there was maybe a Trade History or something similar but nothing more than that. You...
There were already Star Wars Pokemons that spawned in the wild and it was great for something a bit special but not everyone watches or is a fan...
Great! Thanks for your report, we will be taking a look on the bug and will resolve the bug really soon!