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Your missing the key point, this is just a helpful guide, not the rules. And I think it was a good idea, the amount of people suggesting something...
I think there might have to be restrictions on some pokemon in breeding, Ppl could breed infinite shinies which might be too op. However, breeding...
Ok Thanks
This isn't related at all but I wanted to say that your signature is really inspiring <3
After My Latest Staff Application Was Denied, I Noticed You Could Apply For The Build Team. This Is Something I Would Be Eager To Do As I Am Not...
Currently there isn't a way to relearn shadow moves. It's up to the staff members to add that feature which I'm sure they will do at some point.
The Server isn't pay-to-win. 100% IV pokes CAN spawn in the wild. I am fine with the server just as it is. I purchased a rank because I ENJOY the...
Ok. It's Hard To Find A Good Gym To Take Down, Put In A Poke And EV Train, And When You Do, It Will Get Kicked Out Before Long Anyway. I Doubt...
A lot Of Players Complain That The Server Is A Pay-To-Win Server. I Disagree But Do See Their Point. Perhaps There Could Be Some Kind Of Event...
Ok thanks!