RainbowTeletubi Introduction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RainbowTeletubi, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Hey guys since I've decided to be more active on forums I decided to introduce myself! Hi, I'm RainbowTeletubi and I am a 14-year-old male from New Zealand. I If you've seen me around on Pokemon world you would have seen that I am a Junior Moderator! I've been playing pokefind for about 4 months now and have been a staff member for around 3 weeks now! I absolutely love playing pokefind and especially training up my level 100's and battling.

    If you want to battle, talk or play some Pokefind with me be sure to private message me in game or on discord @RainbowTeletubi#0627! Also if you need any help or assistance also private message me and I'll try my very best to give you my assistance!
  2. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hello RainbowTeletubi!
    Welcome to the Staff Team and the Forums. Glad you are getting more active on here and I hope you enjoy it!
    You already know you can message me if you need anything. ;)
    RainbowTeletubi likes this.
  3. Prokopis

    Prokopis Active Member

    Sep 2, 2017
    Welcome to the Forums Rainbow! Hope you will have fun here..
    RainbowTeletubi likes this.
  4. MissBlissx

    MissBlissx New Member

    Dec 20, 2017
    You’re an amazing staff member and I love your profile picture, I would love to battle you one day :)
    RainbowTeletubi likes this.
  5. cuddlycreeper98

    cuddlycreeper98 Goddess of Animals / Ex Staff Manager-Senior Mod

    Apr 4, 2017
    :OOO A totally new person that I have definitely never ever seen before! ;) Lovely to see you on the forums and on the staff team. If you ever have any questions, you know that my DM's are always open! :D
    RainbowTeletubi likes this.