Comments on Profile Post by Gladiola

  1. Gladiola
    Continued: I contacted a moderator and they said that they found duped items at my island. But I have a hard time believing that since Andi and I have never duped. Could I have my island back? If there is a way, check Andi and my account for hacks. We did not do anything. ItzExcqlibur gave us a lot of igs and resources. .
    Nov 8, 2017
  2. Gladiola
    Even so I had a lot of stuff doesn't mean I duped. I really worked hard on that island. I had a zapdos and I was so happy before all this happened.! ): Please.. Help me. (Andi is my friend/island partner btw) A staff told me to talk to you because you are the only active admin. Thank you so much for reading this.
    Nov 8, 2017
  3. Gladiola
    (ItzExcqlibur has the best island in the game, she has over 600k level. She/he is where I get all of my stuff.)
    Nov 8, 2017
  4. MrJoshyy
    Nov 8, 2017
  5. Gladiola
    The items are legit. We are just rich and we have friends. People usually have more than me. We got a lot of stuff from people like Kaikaipeachpie. Play skyblock for a day and you will see that everybody is as rich as me/ or even richer. How would we even dupe spawners and lugias?
    Nov 8, 2017
  6. Gladiola
    Most of the stuff in our chests aren't even from us. Like I said a million times, we have friends such as ItzExcqlibur, who has level 600k. She has over 10 double chests full of shadow lugias and igs. And how are my items not legit?
    Nov 8, 2017
  7. Gladiola
    Check my account for hacks. I have none. NONE! I worked SUPER hard for my stuff and I paid SO much for my stuff. Do /is warp ItzExcqlibur she sells 15 igs for 500k. That is where I got most of my stuff. I seriously. Did. Not. Dupe. ANYTHING!!!! I got my lugias from Kaikaipeach. I got my igs from ItzExcqlibur and her cheap shop. I got all of my pokemon from /shop. I got my dia blocks from my rhydon farm.
    Nov 8, 2017
  8. Gladiola
    In my rhydon farm I filled up the rhydon's slots with diamonds so I would just get diamonds. I got my money from my ig farm and from selling diamonds to people. Ask me about anything and I will tell you how I got it. It's is defiantly not duping.
    Nov 8, 2017
  9. Gladiola
    Please.. I didn't dupe. I am legitimate. All because I had good stuff doesn't mean I duped. ): Trust me, people have WAAAAY more than me and they're are usually lower level than me. I just really want my stuff back.
    Nov 10, 2017
  10. Gladiola
    ...... Seriously... Play skyblock for a day or at least a hour and you will see that everybody is rich.
    Nov 11, 2017
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