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Hello I recently applied for a youtube rank just wish to know if I didn't fall in the bracket for obtaining the rank would I be told? also I hope...
Hey Pokefind I want to be a YouTuber in your server I have 289 subs and Make Pokefind skyblock video's and Pokefind vanilla my Ytname: Sarcasme...
Hey guys! My ign is GamingWithMatteo. Most of you probably don't know me because I just started up on the server a few days ago! As well as just...
Hello my name is Avient, I applied last Saturday for the YouTube rank after I had made a video. The video currently has 300 views on it and I am a...
Hey guys what is going on it's Defild here ^^! And welcome to my PokeFind series :D Ill try to do a episode 2/3 times a week on the server so...
I was wondering, is there any requirement for a youtube rank? If so, what?
I have seen lots of people with the so called 'YOUTUBE' rank. Now I'm guessing they are a youtuber and they have done something to become that...