So ill preface this by saying I know this isn't part of any pokemon game this far but here it goes. "Prestige mode" = the ability to start your trainer level or pokemon level over for a bonus, read below for more info. I believe that adding a "prestige mode" to either a trainer level, pokemon level, or both would be benificial as it will make the game re-playable for a longer period of time. I understand the game is new right now and there are currently enough aspects of the game to make it replayable for most, however; I see more and more level 30 trainers and level 100 pokemon. So, I began to ask, What do they do now? Sure, destroying lower levels is fun for a while, but then what? Hold gyms forever? This is where the "perstige mode" comes in. They can start all over and get a bonus. See bottom for a list of possible bonuses. The benefit to pokefind? That's easy, more money. The players that level up with rare candies will keep playing/paying for the added bonuses which result in more money for pokefind and those who pay occasionally will keep playing and thus paying over a longer period of time. Seems like a no brainer. Possible cons? Die hard pokefans that are opposed to change. Go to ebay and buy the original gameboy and pokemon red or blue. Wait for package, open it, insert cartridge, turn on, turn off, remove cartridge, blow into cartridge, smack it on knee, re-insert cartridge, turn on, and enjoy. Done. Possible Bonuses: Ability to turn one pokemon shiny. Recieve an Egg IVS boost Nature change Get a stone Get an item (rare candy, xp share) Title displays perstige Maybe fly at one point. Etc... Just a thought.
This sounds really cool. And at the same time sounds really dumb. It would make it easier to some degree. The nature change and the iv booster is way op. The stones, and items doesn't seem like it would mess up the "economy". And the egg could possibly be a reward but be like 1/10000 chance. The fly command would be op, that's only for ranks. Have a nice day!!!
Thank you for your response. I didnt mean that everyone would get fly or change a nature after the first "perstige" but if they extend the trainer level a bit and give fly on the tenth perstige or something like that then people who have either poured a ton of money into the game anyway or people who have spent alot of time would get these added perks. For the record fly would be closer to 5 - 6 perstige for me but everyone is different. Thank you for your input and ideas.
It would be cool if there was something we could do after reaching trainer level 30, but I wouldn't want to lose all my Pokemon. Maybe if you prestige you could keep your pokemon and items, and still get an item or something. Good idea though!