Bad Lag (For me) in Pokeworld

Discussion in 'Help' started by MetalShadic, May 28, 2018.

  1. MetalShadic

    MetalShadic New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
    This all happened a few months back, when I was trying to join Pokeworld (It still is as of writing this post). I just joined it's lobby and I started to get terrible lag (About 1fps for the whole time). I looked for some threads talking about this (Also looking at the resource pack help), but all of what they said didn't work: I installed Optifine, I deleted my Resource Folder, I did all they said. If there is anything I didn't try, please tell me so I can check.
  2. Pars2000

    Pars2000 Crazy Active Member

    Jan 13, 2018
    Sorry to hear your problem. Try restarting your computer if you have not already. Have you lowered your Render Distance? Like Optifine, I would recommend LabyMod, which has multiple mods you can choose from including Optifine. Try that. If none of these work, if you have not already, go to, from the 'Esc Screen'/Open Menu, go to Options, then go to Video Settings, and, from there, look around for things that have to do with FPS, like the sliders, 'Performance', 'Quality', and many others. Maybe change your 'Graphics'. Is this only on PokéFind, or is it on all of Minecraft. Hopefully I could help!
  3. MetalShadic

    MetalShadic New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
    Thanks for your help, but I tried all of the methods (As of today), none of these worked out well; they all resulted in 1-2 fps.
  4. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hello MetalShadic,

    Did you try all of the official solutions we have on the Discord/Forums? If not then here you go.

  5. MetalShadic

    MetalShadic New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
    Thank you for the help, guys, but most of these (I don't want to resort to deleting the .minecraft file) don't work, and only raise the FPS by 5 (Then it just sits back at two). I will describe some of the things about my lag problem, if they help:
    -Whenever I used the Debug pie or the Lag-o-meter, it says there is majorly 'Tick' issues, along with a bit of green and blue
    -I could leave the computer be and it will still stay at 1-2 FPS (Tested for 15 min; changed very little)
    -Without the Resource pack, I could go out freely and not have lag, but, with it, I can hardly go.

    Again, this is only on the Pokeworld. It does not affect me on the other Pokefind servers (Unless I go to the hub after joining Pokefind and go to another of your servers), and it won't go on the other servers I play on.
  6. Pars2000

    Pars2000 Crazy Active Member

    Jan 13, 2018
    I think that you might have to resort to deleting you .minecraft folder. I, personally, do not know how else this can be fixed.