Since a lot of people have been contributing to the gen 4 guides, I thought I'd make a place where you can easily find all the guides Sidenote: This guide will be updated regularly as new guides are added Introduction to the region! Introduction to the region v2 Quests: The Time is Now! Ignition of Space Discovery of Existence Flood of Destruction The Horrifying Truth Out of Time Time Vortex Power Storm Elite Four Classy Competition I - No guide yet Classy Competition II Classy Competition III Classy Competition IV The Haunting in Circuit City Rising Waters A Long Ride A Graceful Endeavor War of Crypta Locations: Pokéloot Locations Move Tutors NPC Locations Mystery Man Locations Veteran Guide Master Ball Loots Pokémon Center and Pokémart Locations Icy Stone + Mossy Stone Location Gym Locations Other: Evolution Guide Starter Strategies Breeding Revamp Preferred Natures Ghost Girl? Rare Pokemon List Guide for Choosing Legends War of Crypta Hero Stats and Moves Credits to all these people that made the guides <3 @Korizoku, @Sagestar, @RankH3robrin3, @Icélio, @AlmightyPiLord, @RainbowTeletubi, @minermaotwno1, @d3r3k, @Voultronix, @Whackadragon, @emslayy, @dimpleiram, @Adam_Blue, @IiIMrZyadXx, @!(Luk)!, @ShadowRS, @DarkEclipic, @Lego121212, @Kurumi_Tokisaki and @JFan >>If I've missed any credits or guides, feel free to message me on discord (Baeporeon#4884)<<
Your more active than me on forums and that is impressive xD though I hope your gonna ask Itzmarco about this.