[GUIDE] How to Be a Rich Boi/Gurl in Skyblock v3

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JFan, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. JFan

    JFan Crazy Active Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Dear everyone,
    This guide will be how to become rich in skyblock, enjoy!

    First: Don't be a shopping guy.
    You will know that shopping badly will EAT all your moneys and make you feel sad. You should shop in a good way: buy villagers for emeralds and they are soooo worth for you to trade, lavas and waters for a better cobble gen, get aerodactyl for better loots (they won't give you exp) and whatever can help your income.

    Second: Making farms.
    You should make farms for a lot of moneys (AFK farm will be better) since mobs loots can sell you soooo many moneys for your farms. Some advice: mob will fell to death if your farm's dropping part has 24 blocks. If you want the exp, better set the dropping part to 23 blocks from the top to where you will kill em.

    Third: going to pvp zone for some ores
    You should go to pvp zone for some ores that can sell you a tons of money especially golds. If you got a smith
    villager, iron will be worthy since 7 irons for 1 emerald.
    Last but not the least: AFK mine
    You can AFK mine by putting something to your mouse and you will automatically mine and you can do your stuffs. BUT keep in mind: you should not use your alt account to play in the same island because you will see some words that not an international kicks and you might cry a river.

    So this is the end of the guide, feel free to comment some suggestion of this thread down below

    The king of Shadows approved
    xTacoCatx likes this.
  2. RainbowTeletubi

    RainbowTeletubi Admin Staff Member Manager Staff Manager

    Sep 24, 2017
    Nice guide! I suggest making your mine key space, as its easier to have a heavy object on if ;)
  3. _Siamese_Cat_

    _Siamese_Cat_ Active Member

    Oct 22, 2017
    Hey Jfan may i use this post for a guide what to do after level 1K?

  4. JFan

    JFan Crazy Active Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Ok u can do it that I won’t add u to perm Ko after
  5. Baeporeon

    Baeporeon UBER Active Member

    May 27, 2018
    ayeee our island definitely uses most of these xD
  6. Gabe_Kolbi

    Gabe_Kolbi Member

    Jun 24, 2018
    I had kowalski have a anaylsis done on this and he said "This is it chief
  7. TheJolteon27

    TheJolteon27 Member

    Jul 26, 2017
    This would be quite helpful to newer people but I wouldn't say it would make you rich unless you switch over to a more stable source of income..