Hello everyone,
It has now been 1 week since we launched! However, for myself and our team it feels like it has been a month
Throughout the week, we focused heavily on fixing major bugs and adding new content so let's go over what we did:
- Gyms were added! Gyms work very similarly to Pokemon GO. Once you reach Trainer Level 5, you can go to any gym and interact with the NPC to pick a team. Choose wisely because you can not change your team. When you have Pokemon in a Gym, do /claim daily for in-game rewards.
- Trading added! We were really excited to launch a feature that was much requested, trading. Once you are over Trainer Level 10, do /trade (username) to trade with someone near by. You can not trade any starters or legends.
- Evolution Stones added! Another feature that was heavily asked for and really happy we were able to deliver on
There are 3 ways to get Evolution Stone: 1) Pokestops at a VERY low rate 2) Claiming Gyms (/claim) with a very low rate. The more Pokemon in gyms, the higher the chance 3) A new NPC we introduced, "Mystery Man". He occasionally shows up at a random city as he is running away from the Police and trying to make some cash with his "black market" evolution stones. You can only buy 1 stone per interaction because he doesn't want to risk getting caught. We will be tweaking how often he spawns throughout the week.
- Egg Incubators! Added our "crates" system, eggs, where you go to Egg Incubators in any Pokemon Center. We wanted to go over the top with that by creating an epic, animated model to make the experience rewarding. You can buy eggs at our store: store.pokefind.co
- Bug Fixes! There were definitely quite a few bugs to fix. I believe we have fixed almost all of the major ones, such as rollback issues, PC glitch, and having more then 4 moves on a Pokemon. We are aware that there are still some bugs. We seriously appreciate all of your guys support, understanding and patience on the situation!
That pretty much covers the big updates we had throughout the week and boy were there a lot lol! We did have some small updates like player counter fixed and some adjustments, but no point in going over those small, boring stuff
We truly can't thank you guys enough for the opportunity you all have given us. It is AMAZING seeing so many of you having fun on something we created. To those of you who donated, thank you so much! It means a lot to see you believe in us and supporting us. We have so many ideas we want to bring to life and we aim to continue providing an amazing, unique experience! Super excited for Week 2
By the way, there were over 70,000 unique Trainers that joined us in Week 1!! HOLY S#*$
OHHH yeah; another thing is tomorrow (Valentine's Day) there will be a 20% Off Sale on the store for the day!
wuv you all <3
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