So you want to use Different Credit Cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover) to buy your Items or Ranks? Well, you have come to the right place! In this Thread, I will be showing you step by step on how you use different Types of Cards to buy what you want ! Before I go into to this, the store only Accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Pay Pal, paysafecard, Paymentwall. I will be showing you how to Purchase Items with Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover. Step 1: In the Search Bar Write "PokeFind Store". Step 2: You will be taken to a Screen Similar to this Click "PokeFind l Welcome" Step 3: You will be taken to this Screen. Click on the the Tab you need. In this Thread, I will be doing a Rank Which is Found under the "Poke World" Tab. Click the "Poke World" Tab. Step 4: Enter your Minecraft Username. Step 5: I will be using Pro as an Example but You can Choose which ever! Click "Buy" Under one of the Ranks that you will be Purchasing. Step 6: You will be Taken to the Check Out Screen. Fill out all the Information needed and click "PayPal Express CheckOut". And check the two buttons on the Bottom about Privacy Statement and Purchase. And then once you have filled it out, click Purchase. Step 7: You will be taken to the PayPal Checkout Screen. Click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card". You do Not need a PayPal account to do this Transaction! Step 8: Once you have reached this Screen, fill out the Information needed. You do need to fill out your phone number or the transaction will Not go through. Step 9: After you have clicked Purchase on the bottom of the PayPal CheckOut, you will be taken back to the PokeFind Store page saying your Transaction has been completed. You may go in to the the Server and receive your Purchase! Step 10: Just so it is an even Number got to do this lol. Have fun on your Purchases! If you need some assistance, feel free to Message me on Discord and I can have a 1 by 1 Conversation with you on how to do it! Discord Tag: Puggie1987#0421
Very helpful, but if you could have the Spoiler things, so there isn't a lot of scrolling to do, that would be appreciated. Takes more to load and scroll through, just convenience. Thanks for the Post