Dear everyone, My IGN is JFan and I like to play Pokewars but its so dead so I will suggest things about Pokewars. I usually play Pokemon Survival because I can play survival with my group mates. My hated move: firespin, toxic, bugbite... because in Pokewars and Pokemon World(some of these moves), the moves just annoyed me. My discord: [SHADOWMEW]JFan#6162, you can DM me but don't invite me to other discord/minecraft server or spam me, if I see that, I will take this as DM spam/DM Advertisement.
Official welcome the forums. I love how you keep making cool suggestions, keep it up and I will continue to post my opinion on them! Enjoy your stay.
Hello there & welcome to the forums! I see that you're all over in suggestions, which is AWESOME! If you ever need anything, or have any questions, comments, or concerns, just know that I'm always here!