My name Is Łukasz but call me Luk instead, I have been here for about 8 months I love this place and I hope it never dies If you see me around don't be afraid to say hi I won't bite xD.
Welcome to the forums, Luk! I know that you are very active in the Discord, and I have also seen you around in game. It's always really nice to see players that have been around for a long time. I hope you are enjoying your stay here at Pokefind, and I'm always available if you ever have any questions! Happy hunting!
Welcome to the forums Luk! It's always great to see people who have been with us for a long time! Hope you enjoyed your stay and if you have any questions you can message me!
hello Luk, glad to see ya on the forums, if ya ever need help you can msg me on discord. or if you wanna play pokewars again xd
I’m a little late on the replay but welcome to the forums I hope you enjoy your stay here and I welcome you with open arms if you ever need anything feel free to pm me on discord or here on the forums but again I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome all my information is located below <3