I don't know what is going on. The day I started in Pokemon World, Kyoto, it was day and the time was changing through day and night but on the second day irl day that I played it didn't want to change from night to day. My game has since the second, irl, day that I've been playing never gone to day it's always at night and it's really irritating. You know that like split second where the world hasn't loaded in yet, ya well that is in the day time but as soon as everything has loaded in it goes back to the boring old usual night. I this a glitch and if so is it possible to fix. Also another thing is I have a Growlithe and have been waiting so long to get a Firestone and I finally got one from a Poke Stop somewhere in Petra City if I remember properly and I was going to use it on Growlithe but then I decided to use it later so I clicked on the cancel button and the stone disappeared from my inventory, is this is glitch? My ign is Mollymoonmist (Idk if this part is important but; I only play on Pokemon World in Kyoto's server) Thank You