Hey I am Fowxxz09! How are you doing today??? I am fine

Anyway! I am here to tell a bunch of ideas that I have.
1) Rare candies should be added:I think that rare candies will really help trainers! That will make magikarp training a lot easier.But they should be a bit rare.From gyms and the mystery man only,because they are a bit overpowered in m opinion.
2)Backpacks:Trainers have only the inventory for their items.So I thought of a backpack or a bag.That the professor from the start gives them.So trainers will have more space to storage their items.
3)Legendaries and starters:You should be able to get them...I think that finding legendaries should be like pixelmon.When a legendary spawns the chat will say something like "A legendery pokemon spawned".For startes you should be able to find them in the wild.But they should be really rare.
4)Story mode:I know that PokeFind is more like a "free" game.Where you go where ever you want but there should be a story mode first.I know it's really hard to make but pokefind will be more fun.And when the story mode ends.The player teleports to the main world (That currently is used) and plays.
5)The pokemon should follow you or move:I know that's hard too but the pokemon should move and follow you.I know that you are planning to add the thing were trainers can ride pokemons but that's not the same.
Hope you got some ideas.I will be very happy if I see one of my ideas be a thing! Thanks for reading!
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