Pokemon Mounts!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by FrostFang, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. FrostFang

    FrostFang New Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Hello, this is my first post so please excuse how bad this post is. Thanks. If you don't know who I am, my IGN is SilverSails (used to be DragoT_). Tell me what you think in your Replys!

    Pokemon Mounts (/ride or Saddles) would be something that I would LOVE to see, I know it would require quite a lot of coding and stuff but in my opinion, I think it would bring a lot of new players to PokéFind to try and run, swim, and fly on their favorite Gen 1 and Gen 2 Pokemon only for a few bucks but definitely worth it.

    How Would Pokemon Mounts Work?

    Most Big Pokémon that a player could stand, sit on would be able to be mounted and ridden on, but the bigger the Pokémon, the slower it is usually. For Example, a Snorlax, definitely big enough for a player to ride on, would probably only be able to move 1 block every 2 seconds. On the other hand, a Dragonite, could fly 5 blocks per second.

    What Kind of Mounts would be accessible?

    Land Travel would be something Ive always wanted to see on PokéFind. Only costing $5 in the PokéFind store or 350-500 tokens in game, players can ride on their Pokémon through the vast grounds of Kyoto and Jataro. Players who have bought a bike before this update would be able to show their bike in a screenshot, then be able to saddle their own ground Pokemon, AND keeping their bike.

    Water Travel would be pretty fun for racing and traveling across the grand oceans and rivers of the Pokémon world. Costing $5-$10 in the PokéFind Shop or 350-500 tokens in game, only Expert Ranked trainers and above would be able to purchase this type of mount. I thinks this would also increase the money the developers would get because more people will want to buy ranks to be able to train in the ocean.

    Air Travel is the thing that I really want to see because it would be a way to fly around with no limits of how far you can fly, other then the world border that is. I think this type of Pokemon mount would cost $15 or 350-500 tokens in game. Only for trainers with the Champ rank and Legend rank will be able to purchase this new way of travel. Of this would be added, it would be cool for people to see a shape fly past them to see its a Ho-Oh ridden by Professor Hemlock, being the "once in a life time sight", they would get their wish of becoming a great trainer granted.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
  2. ZombByeGod

    ZombByeGod Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    This is a common suggestion and a really good one. But since pokemon in PokeFind are armor stands, it would cause a lot of lag to have every player's pokemon teleporting every few blocks to look like the player is riding it. The Owner's have talked about this before and have said that the lag might not be worth it :'(
  3. Atomic

    Atomic New Member

    Feb 13, 2017
    What might work is to put pokemon (armorstands) in invisible minecarts. I've done this before with mobs, but I'm not sure it would work with armor stands. Maybe there could be invisible rails (if that's possible?) But just a suggestion. :)
  4. Voultronix

    Voultronix Crazy Active Member

    Mar 25, 2017
    This is true. They said it will probably never happen as its ridiculously hard to make on top of the lag factor. However if you really want to fly on Pokemon rather play pixelmon.
  5. FrostFang

    FrostFang New Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Ok, one of the reasons i love pokefind is because you DONT need to download a mod, and also, its pixle-like pokemon models are amazing! Unlike Pixlmon where its just a pokemon plopped into the world.
  6. FoodSha

    FoodSha New Member

    Apr 26, 2017
    Making normal players able to ride their pokes would represent a big loss of $$$ for pokefind ;)
  7. Goku0G

    Goku0G New Member

    Apr 25, 2017
    The main reason that this cannot be added is it would cause massive lag to the server. If it was ever added it would likely be restricted in some way shape or form to reduce the amount of lag it would cause. As far as I know there are no plans to add mounts into the game in the near future.
    Voultronix likes this.
  8. GoldChesse

    GoldChesse New Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    Off topic but I would disagree, the pixelmon models are way smoother and have not been "plopped" into the world, I remember the first update of pixelmon, the Pokémon where chunky like on pokefind but the Devs spent along time designing 3D models and now they look amazing, I don't expect this from pokefind obviously because it's not a mod
  9. y24

    y24 New Member

    Jul 10, 2017
    Good idea but this might be laggy