Pokemon Survival Games

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by MysticDoesPvp, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. MysticDoesPvp

    MysticDoesPvp Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2017
    You already know what I'm about to suggest by the title and be prepared for POKEMON SG! There will be 9 kits, each representing 1 element, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Eevee, Machamp, . There will be 9 elements, Grass, Water, Steel, Fighting, Normal, Electric, Fire, Physic, and Dark. and each kit will have a special ability, not according to the pokemon but the element it is.

    Flamethrower (Fire Ability):
    Pretty self-explanatory, once you have charged up the ability you will have a fire aspect sword or flame bow that lasts for 1 minute, could be longer.

    Tsunami (Water Ability):
    If you chose the water element you will have the ability to shoot a bow which will send a small wave of water pushing back and damaging enemies. This ability will only last 3-5 shots.

    Paralyze (Electric Ability):
    Pretty self-explanatory by the name, you hit a person and they can't move for 2-4 seconds. This ability will be on a sword and will only last for 15 seconds.

    Poison (Grass Ability)
    Your sword will be able to apply poison to enemies lasting 3 seconds, the ability itself will last 15-30 seconds.

    Hardened (Steel Ability)
    You suddenly turn to Steel and gain resistance II for 15 seconds.

    Rampage (Fighting Ability):
    You suddenly get angry and get strength 1 for 30 seconds and speed 1 for 30 seconds.

    Yolo (Normal Ability):
    Nothing happens, this is the most hardcore kit, no abilities.

    Blind Curse (Dark Ability):
    When this ability is charged up your sword can blind enemies for 2 seconds, this ability only lasts 3 hits.

    Time Warp (Physic Ability):
    You have the ability to go back in time! Once the ability is charged you can go back in time 5 seconds ago! Isn't it great to open the same chest and get better loot? :)

    You can help contribute to this by helping me come up with better names for the abilities. Thanks <3
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  2. MysticDoesPvp

    MysticDoesPvp Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2017
    any feedback? :'(
  3. Voultronix

    Voultronix Crazy Active Member

    Mar 25, 2017
    What is SG ? I think that very few know what it is ?
  4. SadAtron

    SadAtron Active Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    For steel you could give the user resistance and name the ability Harden
    and for the psychic ability name it teleport and make so you can teleport 20 blocks in the direction you are looking at
  5. MysticDoesPvp

    MysticDoesPvp Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2017
  6. MysticDoesPvp

    MysticDoesPvp Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2017
    Anyone have anymore feedback?