I just attempted to spend $40 on a rank and never got it. (I think my bank is blocking the payment) Why would this be so? I've told them before it was me and they still continue to block you guys. Any ideas as to why? I'm kinda just waiting for a call from the fraud department so I can continue through with my payment... For future reference my IGN is Sparxwolf No clue whats happening but it's frustrating.
Hello Ghostlynx, this seems like an issue with your bank rejecting the server store/PayPal. I suggest you contact them once again to see if there's any issues with the card or how they process the payment. If not, try another card or another payment option such as Payment Wall.
Turns out they put a block restriction on it due to the website the money was being sent to. It's gone through now. Thanks! ^^ EDIT*** Now I can't join the server. I keep getting a fallback error.
Hello Ghostlynx, What server are you trying to join? If this is the case it may be that the server you are joining is down.