
Discussion in 'Help' started by BattleCake02, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. BattleCake02

    BattleCake02 New Member

    Nov 11, 2017
    So Iv'e bought 4 eggs from this game for skyblock, trying to get a legendary birb, and not out of the 4 did I once ever see a zapados, I dont know if super rare or not, but i want justice, or help! I really just want a legendary bird
  2. AlmightyPiLord

    AlmightyPiLord Crazy Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
    Hi BattleCake02! I don't play much of Skyblock, but I'm pretty sure Zapdos is a rare Pokémon to come out of an egg. Unfortunately, it's all up to chance, and you probably just didn't get lucky. If it makes you feel better, I bought 13 epic eggs for Survival hoping to get a slightly uncommon Jolteon, but only got common starters and 3 slightly uncommon Vaporeon. Anyway, if you want a Zapdos, the best (and only) option is to buy and hatch more eggs and hope you get lucky. Or trade, if that's also and option in Skyblock. Sorry man, good luck with your Zapdos! :D