Store Bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by gamervip100, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. gamervip100

    gamervip100 New Member

    Aug 4, 2017
    Hi, my in game name is Bolas_, and i currently purchased two items from store, Eevee hat + x3 xp elixir boost, but as a result i only received the Eevee hat, i sent a email to support but they should have some support people in different time zones so people dont have to wait, and if its more than 24 hours that they have to wait, i think personally they should give u something aswell as the item u didnt receive, like a rare egg or epic egg or something like that. Thanks for reading
  2. Sagestar

    Sagestar Member

    Feb 9, 2018
    I am sorry for your waiting! Due to the release of gen4, our support team might've been more tasked than normal, so that might explain late response time, anyway I will try to forward this time to support team!