My idea for a new NPC in all servers, and in both Gen 1 and Gen 2 is "Mystery Ma'am". A 'mysterious' female NPC that has a much more rare chance to spawn than the normal Mystery Man everyone knows. The Mystery Ma'am has a 1 in 75 to 1 in 100 chance to spawn instead of him, but in the same locations as he would. Mystery Ma'am would charge less for the same evolution items, and pay more for them if the player is selling. Example: Mystery Man sells Thunder Stones for 200 Tokens each, but Buys them for only 20. Mystery Ma'am would (by comparison) sell the same stone for 100-125 Tokens, and would by it from the player for up to double (40 Tokens). Assuming the Mystery Man spawns once every 3-5 Hours, usually the female version would only spawn ONCE PER WEEK on average. She would also stay spawned for 10 minutes before leaving that world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mystery Ma'am could also be a piece of Mystery Man's backstory, as to why he has the job he has, and/or why he is always hiding from the cops. Maybe SHE is the one the cops want, and not him? Who could the Mysterious woman be? MM's daughter? Wife? Girlfriend? Or maybe she is the supplier of where Mystery Man gets his 'goods' from? Who knows? I feel as though, because of the much rarer spawn chance, she is not 'OP'. She too is limited to ONE transaction per player.
I honestly think that something like this is such a creative and awesome idea. Mystery Ma'am is unique and the fact that she sells things for less and you can sell things for more is a cool idea as well. Plus, the fact that she would be a very rare spawn makes it all the more fair. I 100% would love to see something like this in game.
Mystery Ma'am is an interesting idea but honestly is seems to similar to Mystery Man. It basically a more rare and better mystery man. I fell like there should be some difference between them. Maybe you can buy trade/sell evo items.
It's too similar to mystery man, I think it should be added but not as like a big thing, just a cool rare addition, on top of this I think that if they had an Npc update they should add gym leaders (Npc) as well as like an NPC boss to fight for each town as most of the time the gyms are just filled with Lv 100 op Pokémon, it would also add a progression base system where you would get gym badges and the Devs could add in things which could only be done/explored/obtained through a certain amount of gym badges along with a reward for getting all of them. They should also add an npc rival, this rival will teleport from the first town to the next after you have defeated him, he will scale with your Pokémon, always having 1 less Pokémon and his Pokémon matching levels or just a few under, reaching the last town and beating him there he would give you some sort of reward It would be cool to add some sort of "team" to the game such as team rocket or plasma, defeating grunts which could be found near alleyways in towns and on outskirts of roads would earn you "reputation" among the team as they become aware of your presence, after enough reputation your pokedex will get a call from an unknown number saying that they want to defeat you at so and so town, upon defeating them they will flee, continuing will eventually land you battling the big boss, other than a reward I don't know what should happen after this This last one is probably the biggest and most out there but it would be amazing to have passive npcs that you can talk to in their own homes
I don't like the idea of a gym NPC, and I've actually never seen a gym with Pokémon with a high lvl than 58. The rival thing seems good, and maybe they could figure out a way to make it so they scan your Pokémon, figure out that the majority are water and ghost, so the rival would have electric and ice type Pokémon. The team rocket/plasma idea is cool, and you have no idea how much I want passive NPCs you can talk to. It would be cool to have them talk to you, and maybe even do little challenges, such as catch a Parasect and give it to her, and the NPC could reward you with some money.