Suggestion: Forum SOP

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by inkventive, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. inkventive

    inkventive Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2017
    Hi Mods,

    As the community grows both ingame and forum based we are going to have numerous threads; with most being FAQ/issues.

    Is it possible once a thread has been answered or resolved can it be locked and sent to a category marked as resolved.

    This will stop these threads from being bumped randomely; burying newer threads.

    Edit: and also from there we can link resolved threads to newer questions/issues and lock the old one when finished.
  2. MrWaffleFries - Chris

    MrWaffleFries - Chris Crazy Active Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    In the future we Mods will have the ability to lock threads, move threads and we will have more sub forums for different things.

    Also, Forum Mod to move, delete and lock threads...
    1: Report a Player, (Not just on the server, but Discord issues and forum issues too)
    2: Holes! Post the holes you find. (So it keeps it out of other places. Even though the holes prob wont be fixed.....)
    3: Introductions (would help see who actually cares enough to show whom they are. Get to know the community better)
    4: YouTuber Application's (Post Youtube channel links)
    5: Twitch Streamer Application (Post there Twitch rank)
    6: Off Topic... (Cause common, I Moderate them all, but I need to have priority's to look at.)
    7: Suggestions it's own separate Tab, because having Suggestions AND Bug Reports in the same place.........
    8: Forum Games (People love this stuff. It's spam - so it should not count towards your Forum post count. People will literally count 1-100 just to get there post count up...) But some people play actual games like - What would you do, and if you had.
    9: That's all I can think of right now…

    @Aaron (harass him to do it) Only kidding.
    inkventive likes this.
  3. inkventive

    inkventive Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2017
    Awesome ideas. :) Looking forward to more people joining here!
  4. MrWaffleFries - Chris

    MrWaffleFries - Chris Crazy Active Member

    Feb 2, 2017
    We have thousands, and I mean THOUSANDS of joins on the server. It's just bringing them over to the forums is the harder part :D