For me, while I have /pheal and sell most of my items, It is still pretty hard to find the coins to buy stones from the mystery man and more ultra balls. What I've been thinking is npc trainers that randomly spawn in each area. They would have varying lvls and have 2-4 Pokemon, and would give coins as rewards and you could obtain more exp than from gyms and other players but less then wild Pokemon due to getting coins. Another suggestion I have is random events like "Champion Tour" and "Safari hunt." "Champion Tour" Would be that a random CHAMP rank person on the server would appear as an npc in battle city and you could battle them for rewards like coins, exp, and items. They would be warned 1 week before the event starts so they can be ready and like the battle box have a special area for putting Pokemon to fight for the event but they can still use them. The other one,"Safari Hunt" would be where every trainer competes to find high lvl and a lot of Pokemon, and there are different leagues for different lvl people so its fair. The prizes for your leauge would depend on lvl, like 11-25 for lvl 16-20 gets ultra balls and super potions, 10-6 get coins and ultra balls, 5-2 get more coins, evolution stone of their choice, and a rare egg, and top 1 gets lots of coins, a master ball, and an epic egg. It's just some suggestions and I hope you at least consider them.
These have been suggested several times, and hopefully in the future we can see something like this. I wouldn't mind turning battle city into a league place, and set npc's in the buildings there.
I my self do not code or create. I am a simple Mod that looks at suggestions and give opinions and pass them along So thank you for your suggestions!