Wild Shadow Pokemon spawning.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XD001ShadowLugia, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. XD001ShadowLugia

    XD001ShadowLugia Active Member

    Nov 21, 2017
    ex: shadow meowth , shadow caterpie , shadow fearow, shadow venonat , why does all of my appeals get denied even if I tried to make a good appeal I am so Triggered right now, shadow dratini, shadow zubat, can I stop now I cant beleve they kept the $10 Lvl Booster }}: (, shadow sableye, shadow gastly, shadow oddish, etc.
  2. UV_Hail

    UV_Hail Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Hello ShadowLugia,

    Firstly, your appeals are reviewed and weighed against your punishment to see if your punishment should be removed. If your appeal was denied it means that your actions were deemed unforgivable and that your punishment would stay until you submit an appeal that deems your actions forgivable. As time passes, second chances are more likely to be given. In terms of the wild shadow Pokemon, shadow Pokemon are from another game and were implemented alongside the other quests. They are unlikely to be available in the wild as you can buy them for 14$. Furthermore, shadow dratini is even more unlikely to spawn in the wild as shadow dragonite is a part of the shadow eggs. Perhaps as an event, this would be cool, but as the wild shinies event just ended, it may have to wait a bit.
  3. XD001ShadowLugia

    XD001ShadowLugia Active Member

    Nov 21, 2017
    om what? wait i am banned? this is off topic
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Lugias EVERY WERE
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018