Daniel Matias
Last Activity:
Jul 16, 2023
Oct 28, 2016
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Oct 5, 1995 (Age: 29)

Daniel Matias

Co-Owner of PokeFind, Male, 29

Owner Manager
Daniel Matias was last seen:
Jul 16, 2023
    1. reeta ahuja
    2. lonelyghost05
      hey could you unmute me
      my user is ghostboy_2005
      i was muted for swearing
      there was a misunderstanding
      1. Pars2000
        May 23, 2019
    3. yuki
      I got banned from inappropriate username and I changed it can I please be unbanned my new username is _Meqan
    4. gregory
      i was banned for doing nothing permanent my username is Gregorymin99
      1. ShootingFor3
        May 25, 2018
      2. gregory
        how do i fill a punishment appeals
        May 25, 2018
      3. gregory
        ok i did it
        May 25, 2018
    5. luhjjkjkllo
      hey I spent 286.32 dollars can I be a JR MOD
      1. ShootingFor3
        Apr 21, 2018
        Pars2000 likes this.
    6. Milk_Green
      My pupitar suddenly disappeared
    7. XD001ShadowLugia
      They took my 5$ and i was perm banned and i didn't get my money back.
    8. XD001ShadowLugia
      Pking701 same and they DIDNT GIVE ME a refund
    9. pking701
      i was banned for evasion how can i get unbanned? please help, i want to join back and play with my friends. My username is pking701
    10. killerlegends
      i bought crate key [3] x2 but it did not send please send it back to me my username is XxFirestormxX_YT
    11. Masterlegend
      why I'm I muted permanent my gamer tag is Masterlegend
    12. Gladiola
      Can I have my island back.....? I was banned for a day for "glitch abuse (assist)" because Andi931's gengar wouldn't stop evolving. It wasn't our fault, how would we know that it would glitch. When I was unbanned I went onto skyblock (like always) and my island was gone.... I was 25k level. With a zapdos (that I paid for).... Where is all my progress? Can I have it back? I worked hard for it! I had so much! SO MUCH
      1. Gladiola
        There are other ways to deal with a glitch besides deleting me and Andi's island. ): Seriously... I am freaking out. I spent over 5 days on my island.
        Nov 7, 2017
      2. Gladiola
        :/ I realized now that I was accused of duping. They checked my chests and found a lot of stuff and they thought I duped it all, even so I didn't. I got my diamond blocks from my rhydon farm. I got my ig stacks from ItzExcqlibur. I got all my other stuff from IRL friends. @MrJoshyy said I will never get it back. I promise you I didn't dupe. You can read our conversation on MrJoshy's wall
        Nov 9, 2017
    13. bobthebuilder514
      im am stuck behind a wall in the bird quest i really need help
    14. Eztorly
      Hello my name is Eztorly Im a youtuber with 1500 subscriber i wold like to record and make a lets play in the pokefind server but i already play the game progressed if you can can you delete all my pokemon and lvl money and stuff to make me a new profile on pokemon/pixelmon worldld pls I rely like the server and i wold like to support the server :D can u help me if you can pls
    15. Abdoo36
    16. terminator_XX
      i was reported for hacking but i was not and i got banned
    17. BobbyisNowHere
      Daniel Matias I can't join Poke SkyBlock My account is BobbyisNowHere help
    18. DaSavage
      Hey iv been playing on this server for a couple of months know and I just randomly got permanently banned from chat one day when all I do is talk to friends and trade. Could you please help me and get me unbanned from chat. Also my legendary quest glitched and it puts me in the diamond arena when I click on Ryder. My gamertag is XxThe_SavagexX.
    19. pieguy
      Hi I would like to be a moderator because I'm great with command blocks. I know how you make the pokemon. I can explain that but besides the point. Oh and I forgot to introduce myself I am crawfroggaming or craw for short. I want transportation to make your server as well as it could be knowing how you make pokemon i can do it. I am ten and this was my apply.
    20. Arthur Beasley
      Arthur Beasley
      Hi I would like to know if I am good enough for jr mod
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    Oct 5, 1995 (Age: 29)