New Member, 20, from the ocean
I like shorts. They are comfy and easy to wear! Jul 15, 2018
- Eridan413 was last seen:
- Mar 7, 2022
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- Birthday:
- Aug 13, 2004 (Age: 20)
- Location:
- the ocean
Hello! My IGN is Eridan, but I can also be called Eri. I don't mind what pronouns you use for me, but I prefer they/them. My favourite Pokemon is either Vaporeon or Umbreon or even my shiny Eevee in survival named Iggy. I have been a fan of Pokemon since I was 6. It all started from getting Heart Gold for my birthday that year. I played for countless hours and I knew I had found my new favourite hobby. Since then I have collected more and more Pokemon games. My collection consists of an overall of 17 Pokemon games, including a Red cartridge for the gameboy and a working Silver cartridge! I love the Pokemon series to bits and It has truly become a part of me! I also enjoy playing D&D and the Mario & Luigi RPG Series.