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Also shouldn't this Thread be on Suggestions?
Send out the Soldiers! *Soldiers start coming out* Ya yeet Ya Yeet Ya yeet Ya yeet Ya yeet Ya yeet.... Oh god we lost em!
Even though i'm not in the Tourny, I still agree that it should be fair for everyone. Especially if they are busy 1 day.
I agree with Toasty, without the parkour, so many people would have legendary birds everywhere and it would be unfair. You need to have a...
Yea I was wondering about this for a while, I agree.
I agree on Elixers but they should add more than that. Like Lures and maybe new pokeballs like Timer balls and all them.
Actually, they need people to agree to add it. Not really just saying that you want it and it happens. I disagree so you might want to give...
Best player ever 10/10 ign bro homie homester chum pal buddy buddie budster
Actually do /hub and then you don't have to leave the server. And It's a game, so you can really rejoin another.
Description: It has done this 3 times 2 with gold and 1 with iron, I wait a day to open them because of the cooldowns and then I go up to them and...
Hello! Welcome to the Forums!
Hello! I make raps for random people on Discord. If you'd like for me to make a rap about you, just use this format and post a comment with the...