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POKEFIND ITEMS Hello everyone, I wanna start this thread about available items on Pokefind since the dev team is adding some of them step by...
When i left clicked on my fire stone (while i was in a battle) It dissapeared and was nowhere to be seen when the attacking menu went up. I traded...
Battle Freezing: It happened today, couple times in Jataro, server 1 at multiple places. It happened when there are EXP boosts and sometimes...
So, now that most status moves work, abilities are being implemented, and egg moves are finally accessible, I'd say that there is room to talk...
This glitch has happened pretty much everyday now. I keep battling a pokemon in the wilderness (last time it was a Gloom, but it's random) the...
Hi! There have been some weird glitches going on that have SERIOUSLY affected my gameplay, and Pokefind is actually starting to lose its appeal...