An Idea to keep the game more interesting

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Btmn, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Btmn

    Btmn New Member

    Dec 21, 2017
    I have noticed it is quite boring to keep farming in Gen 2 Snowtip, however, one does not always gain easy exp when chasing gyms and battling other trainers. battling and quests are awesome but normally require high-level Pokemon. Therefore, many turn to Snowtip to level up their Pokemon (like me). However, grinding isn't exactly the most fun thing to do. I have also noticed it is quite hard to get items. I am extremely unlucky and have been playing for a while and have never gotten an item out of a pokestop. Also, the mystery man is quite expensive. Therefore, I resort to my friends helping me get some evolution items. My idea is like this. Perhaps you could enter a trivia question, like "What are the types of Metagross?" The first to enter the correct answer in the chat could get an evolution item, rare candy, 32 pokeballs, a bit of trainer exp, etc. Therefore, it would make another way to get items, and would likely make the game more interesting. This question doesn't always have to happen as well. I can see players going to dead servers so they would have less competition. These questions could happen in servers with 30 or more people and could pop up every 5-10 minutes, making it so that these items are not in abundance after 1 day. Building on this idea, it would be awesome to have giant events that could even grant players with eggs in Pokemon Trivia. For examples, you could have a "game show" where you could give 3 hints about a Pokemon, and the players would have to guess it. An example is, "It is a physic Pokemon, its 4th letter is a, and it can mega evolve. (Metagross)"However, it would require coins or tokens to join in, but they could possibly win an egg.

    Another fun idea could be a lottery of some sorts. For example, you could give out "lottery/prize/reward Pokemon" in a daily lottery. This would encourage players to at least log on once a day to enter. However, this would not be free. This could cost maybe 500 coins or 5 tokens, but only a few people win over the entire server. You would only be able to enter once, but with ranks, maybe twice or even three times. However, to keep the Pokemon economy intact, these Pokemon should just have a special skin and possibly one cool special move. They should definitely be untradable, as free to play players would most likely be bugged on and on by pay to win players to surrender their Pokemon. The Pokemon should definitely not be level 100 when won. However, this would ensure that people would log on every day to get a chance to win an awesome lottery Pokemon.


    Please respond what I could change that pokefind could implement these ideas.