Hi everybody, Well, My friend and i seed a lot of cheaters InGame and we'd like that you add a command for report them when there're cheating because a lot of players don't report in this forum and this solution will be a new way to report cheateurs. Cheateurs are some noobs than use cheats for believing be good but this type of players is a pain because they're ruining the game experience of others players... (PS: if i did some errors, it's because i learn English.)
This would be a great addition, but I feel that this would highly decrease the use of #punishment-reports in discord and ban reports in forums. Also there are many flaws to the /report button, this can be abused easily and anybody would be able to gang up on 1 person. Another thing about the /report command is that sometimes not many staff members are on, and only Mod+ have the perms to ban people.
I've already suggested a report system a few times, it usually doesn't go anywhere. I'll re-post it here. /report player reason(proof can be included with reason) You put a cap to the number of reports each player can submit so they can't spam it and you also make it so they can't post another report until the ones they have submited are closed. Staff commands: /reports list(displays all open reports) /reports close report# Devs could easily make a /reports close 1-20 type thing as well as add time stamps for the time of opening, and a click-able option (basically a link on the players name) to tp to the player that was either reported or the submitter. *Report#*: *Submitter* reported *Offender* on *insert server* for *reason* 27381: Ordaine reported legender1431 on PokeWars3 for hacking fly http/prntscr.com/abc123 (just an example)
I don't think I've ever seen a cheater/hacker. But I would like the report button to report people for swearing.