I thought my introduction wasnt that great. Since I joined staff team and I hope I will stay here for a while, I want to talk what was happening in my life and to explain my actions in discord / server. WARNING: DEPRESSING ( not a joke ) I had a pretty hard life growing up. My father died when I was really young and I lived with my mother and uncle. We kept moving since she couldnt find a good job that can help us live better and get us through a hard situation. We didnt have much money and I didnt have anyone to look up to as I was growing up. Noone was teaching me what is good / wrong, I kinda knew that myself. Since I kept moving I never had much friends ( irl and the server ), so I wanted to join Staff Team in hopes of finding a friend to talk to since everyone were pretty much ignoring me my whole life. I thought if I get into the Staff Team I would finally feel *welcomed* somewhere. If I say anything in the discord / server that was rude / uncomfortable for you, please tell me not to say it again. I am not trying to be rude and harmfull. Sorry that this was kinda depressing, I just wanted you to get to know who I am. -fedarius
Welcome to the Forums and a Huge welcome to the Staff Team. I'm sorry to hear about your father, and the hard times you've been through. You proved that you deserved the position on the Staff Team and we are glad to have you. If you ever need help with anything, feel free to ask. Regardless of anything in the past, I'll be willing to help if you need it. Keep up the good work and I'll see you around.
I am sad to hear about your situation. Every time I see you, you always have a good spirit and keep up a good attitude. You are a perfect fit for the staff team, and I think that you are a good person. If you ever need to talk to anybody, you know who you can talk to.
i want you to know we'll always be there for you if you need anyone to talk to, also welcome to the staff team again
That sucks, hopefully being around the staff team has cheered you up and if you ever need anyone to talk to, freel free to message me on discord <3, you have been a great asset in the staff team thusfar and I love working with you
I am now, and always will be here for you if you ever need to vent or to just talk to someone! I am so so sorry about your upbringing and everything that you have been through. That type of stuff is hard, and sometimes it seems like you'll never make it through it. But I promise you, you always will. The entire staff team will always be here for you. As the cliche as this is, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Love you hun, and remember that I'm always here! <3
Welcome to the forums, if you need anything, be it venting, irl stuff, whatever. I check my messages constantly <3