Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Gain a random buff to assist in battle
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Kabutops, Nidorina,
Kabuto, Nidoran?, Nidoqueen, Charizard,
Type: Psychic
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Speed up all nearby teammates
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Growlithe, Arcanine, Muk,
Ally Switch:
Type: Psychic
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Swap places with your closest teammate
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Kangaskhan, Muk, Mewtwo
Aroma Therapy:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Lift nearby allies of the negative
potion effects that curse them
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Nidoran?, Nidoking,
Pikachu, Raichu, Nidorino, Muk, Mewtwo
Aromatic Mist:
Type: Fairy
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Gives your 3 closest teammates and
yourself resistance upon activation
Can be used on:
Mew, Muk, Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Venusaur,
Arrow Shield:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Shield yourself with arrows for 5
seconds. The next person to attack you
will be tossed in the air for huge fall
damage in expense of your shield
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Alakazam,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Mewtwo
Baby-Doll Eyes:
Type: Fairy
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Weaken the next enemy you hit for 8
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Nidorina, Nidoran?,
Nidoqueen, Mewtwo, Chansey
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Launch a nearby enemy towards you for a
surprise attack
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Raichu, Charizard, Muk,
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Trap a random enemy near you inside a
cage for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Grimer, Mew, Alakazam, Kadabra,
Abra, Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Completely blind your nearest enemy for
5 seconds
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Rhyhorn, Slowbro,
Mewtwo, Slowpoke
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Block your opponent's next attack and
paralyse them
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Slowbro, Mewtwo, Chansey
Type: Flying
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Give yourself the ability to fly off
high ledges for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Gengar, Gastly, Slowbro,
Muk, Mewtwo, Slowpoke
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
In exchange for heavily weakened hands,
gain haste 3, resistance 4 and push back
anyone you hit. Great for raiding
Can be used on:
Mew, Raichu, Muk, Mewtwo, Machamp
Bullet Seed:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Shoot out 3 quick bullets at your
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Nidorina, Staryu,
Nidoqueen, Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Fairy
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Give weakness II to the next enemy you
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Nidoran?, Nidoking,
Pikachu, Raichu, Nidorino, Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Clamp down on your opponent leaving them
in a slowed/fatigued state
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Machoke, Arcanine,
Dragonair, Dragonite, Dratini, Mewtwo,
Confuse Ray:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Summon a ray that confuses all nearby
enemies for 4 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Electabuzz, Nidoking,
Mewtwo, Wartortle
Cotton Spore:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
The user inflicts the target with the
inability to move effectively
Can be used on:
Mew, Raichu, Weedle, Charizard, Mewtwo
Cursed Wrath:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Having a bad day with all your negative
potion effects? Share your discomfort
with any enemies around you for 20
Can be used on:
Mew, Gengar, Muk, Mewtwo, Chansey
Death Kiss:
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Remove one buff from the next enemy you
Can be used on:
Mew, Machoke, Raichu, Dragonite, Mewtwo,
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Decieve everyone nearby to thinking you
have only 2 hearts
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Kabutops, Growlithe,
Kabuto, Arcanine, Slowbro, Mewtwo
Type: Flying
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Summon a totem that drags anyone nearby
into its center. Great when paired with
area attacks
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Grimer, Mew, Pikachu, Rhyhorn,
Raichu, Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Fighting
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Your next hit on an opponent will place
a tracker allowing you to see them
through walls for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Growlithe, Poliwrath, Arcanine,
Slowbro, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Ever wanted to carry away your enemies?
The next enemy you attack will be forced
to ride you. Then its up to you on what
you do with them
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Blastoise, Alakazam,
Snorlax, Nidoking, Nidorino, Poliwrath,
Dragonite, Muk, Mewtwo, Machamp, Lapras,
Nidorina, Machoke, Nidoran?, Nidoqueen,
Dragonair, Kadabra, Abra, Wartortle
Double Slap:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Slap the sense out of your enemy with 2
confusing blows
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Machop, Machoke,
Kangaskhan, Kabuto, Mewtwo, Machamp
Double Team:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
The user increases their evasive ability
allowing them to dodge attacks
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Kabutops, Alakazam,
Gengar, Nidoking, Nidorino, Poliwrath,
Kabuto, Arcanine, Slowbro, Weedle,
Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Machamp, Slowpoke,
Electabuzz, Growlithe, Machoke, Kadabra
Draining Kiss:
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Want the upper hand? Steal a random buff
from the next enemy you hit for 10
Can be used on:
Mew, Dragonair, Dragonite, Slowbro,
Mewtwo, Machamp
Type: Ground
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Command the ground below you to launch
players into the air dealing damage in a
small radius
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Snorlax, Dragonite,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Ecstatic Mine:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Unleash your inner mischief and place a
mine where you stand. Then remotely
detonate it whenever you wish. Make sure
you are far away from the mine when you
blow it up!
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Kabutops, Staryu,
Kangaskhan, Kabuto, Arcanine, Muk,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Emergency Flare:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Need your allies to rescue you from a
sticky situation? For each time someone
attacks you, a firework will be launched
to let your allies know where you are
for 40 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Gengar, Muk, Mewtwo,
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
In exchange for coming to a stand-still
for 15 seconds to build up energy,
release a powerful surge of strength and
speed 3 to chase down your enemies
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Growlithe, Nidoking,
Arcanine, Mewtwo
Enchanted Veil:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Give all nearby allies within a radius
of 10 full invisibility for 4 seconds
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Muk, Mewtwo, Chansey
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Why swing your sword when you can throw
it? Throw a sword wherever you're facing
doing massive damage to anyone in the
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Staryu, Charizard,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Unleash a powerful explosion which has
5x the range and 2x the damage of a
regular explosion on claimed blocks!
Makes raiding easier.
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Nidoking, Muk, Mewtwo
Fake Out:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain strength I and resistance II for 5
seconds for that extra punch in battle
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Kangaskhan, Dragonair,
Dragonite, Dratini, Mewtwo
Feather Shot:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Shoot a laser beam that if aimed
correctly at an enemy, will throw them
into the air dealing massive damage
giving them slowness for 4 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Electabuzz, Nidorina,
Nidoqueen, Slowbro, Muk, Mewtwo,
Wartortle, Starmie
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Improve your vision and enhance your
ability to see enemies
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Alakazam, Staryu, Kadabra,
Muk, Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Dark
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Flatter your next opponent you hit
preventing them from using any charge
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Raichu, Dragonite, Mewtwo
Floral Healing:
Type: Fairy
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Place a floral healing totem to give
nearby allies regeneration
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Muk, Mewtwo, Venusaur,
Force Palm:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
The next enemy you hit will face your
blow, tossing them far back
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidorina, Kangaskhan, Nidoqueen,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Gastly Phase:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Gain the ability to phase through walls!
Does not work in claims
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Muk,
Gathering Storm:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Summon a tornado throwing other enemies
into the air dealing fall damage.
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Dragonite, Muk, Mewtwo
Ghastly Rupture:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Create a ghost version of yourself that
stands still and attacks any enemies
nearby! Lasts for 20 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Gengar,
Nidoking, Pikachu, Poliwrath, Kabuto,
Arcanine, Weedle, Mewtwo, Machamp,
Electabuzz, Raichu, Kangaskhan
Gigavolt Havoc:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Call upon the power of lightning and
strike all enemies you hit with it
lighting them on fire and and giving
them blindness every time you attack!
Lasts for 10 seconds.
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Nidoking, Arcanine, Mewtwo
Gigavolt Wrath:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Control lighting as if you were a god,
striking any enemy you hit and any close
by with a deadly lightning bolt setting
them on fire and paralysing them! Lasts
for 5 seconds.
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Pikachu, Raichu,
Dragonair, Dragonite, Charizard, Dratini,
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Auto drink a random potion in your
inventory instantly
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Nidoran?, Nidoking,
Nidorino, Mewtwo, Wartortle, Ivysaur,
Grassy Terrain:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Heal 3 nearby allys a percentage of
their health back based off how much
health you have left
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Bulbasaur, Raichu, Muk,
Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Venusaur
Grave Nightmare:
Type: Ghost
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Want your enemy to become your personal
minon? Place a bond on the next enemy
you attack, and if you manage to kill
them, you will have their ghost be your
minion until it dies!
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Gengar, Snorlax,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Weedle, Poliwhirl,
Mewtwo, Venusaur, Slowpoke, Rhydon,
Lapras, Electabuzz, Nidoqueen, Chansey
Grim Touch:
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Tired of your enemy having the upper
hand? The next enemy you attack will
lose all their buffs excluding
resistance making the battle in your
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Pikachu, Raichu, Slowbro,
Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Convince everyone around you that you
are wearning leather armor
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Alakazam, Poliwrath,
Slowbro, Charizard, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo,
Slowpoke, Poliwag, Kangaskhan, Charmander,
Kadabra, Abra
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Toughen your body and gain resistance 3
for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Snorlax, Squirtle,
Slowbro, Mewtwo, Wartortle
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Call upon your teammates and unite with
strength. The more allies, the higher
the strength effect.
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Growlithe, Kangaskhan,
Arcanine, Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Make all nearby enemies have slowness 3
if they come in contact with water for
15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Dragonite, Muk, Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Sets your next opponent into a drowsy
sleeping state
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Slowbro,
Kadabra, Mewtwo
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Trap the next enemy you hit in a magical
barrier they cannot escape from for 40
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Nidoking, Nidorina,
Rhyhorn, Nidoran?, Nidoqueen, Mewtwo
Inferno Blast:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Shoot out fireballs in quick sucession
at your enemies for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Charmander, Charizard,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Infect the next enemy you hit with
nausea for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Poliwrath, Kangaskhan, Arcanine,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Jump Frenzy:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Got in a sticky situation? Why not jump
out of it? In exchange for weakness 2,
gain jump boost 3 and regeneration for
15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Electabuzz, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Chansey, Slowpoke
Jump Fury:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Gain the ability to jump high for one
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Weedle, Muk,
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Throw the next enemy you hit far away,
but it won't take them long to catch up
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidoqueen, Muk, Mewtwo
Last Stand:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Once activated, gain 5 hearts if your
health drops below 1 heart within 20
Can be used on:
Poliwag, Mew, Machoke, Poliwrath,
Kangaskhan, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Machamp
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Your next hit will cause your enemy to
bleed for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Electabuzz, Nidoking,
Nidoqueen, Charizard, Mewtwo
Mean Look:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Stare down the enemy and give them
slowness. Great for catching those
Can be used on:
Poliwag, Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar,
Gastly, Poliwrath, Kadabra, Abra,
Poliwhirl, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
The next enemy you attack won't be able
to attack you or your allies for 20
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Alakazam, Poliwrath, Muk,
Nasty Plot:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Save your current position and teleport
back to it after 30 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Alakazam, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Starmie
Ominous Wind:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain a temporary but powerful enchant on
your weapon for 15 seconds with the
trade of limited inventory use
Can be used on:
Mew, Machoke, Kangaskhan, Dragonair,
Dragonite, Dratini, Mewtwo, Machamp
Piercing Vision:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Give any nearby enemies you are looking
at slowness 2 for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Alakazam, Squirtle,
Dragonite, Slowbro, Weedle, Mewtwo,
Machamp, Lapras, Electabuzz, Kangaskhan,
Dragonair, Wartortle
Pin Missile:
Type: Bug
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Rapidly shoot a series of arrows at the
target as you hold a bow
Can be used on:
Mew, Machop, Machoke, Staryu, Charizard,
Mewtwo, Machamp, Starmie
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Once activated and hit by an enemy,
spread your wounds to nearby enemies for
2 hearts of damage
Can be used on:
Mew, Gengar, Nidoqueen, Muk, Mewtwo
Poison Sting:
Type: Poison
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Fire a needle laced with poison at the
closest enemy
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Slowbro,
Mewtwo, Chansey, Slowpoke
Pole Vault:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Want to wait your troubles out? Summon a
20 block pillar and TP yourself up there
for one miniute. After its over, you
will be teleported back and be
invinsible for 3 seconds!
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Protect yourself from the next attack
done to you
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Machamp, Chansey
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
The user inflicts their foe with an
enormous psychic blast giving huge
damage and confusing them
Can be used on:
Mew, Alakazam, Staryu, Slowbro, Kadabra,
Mewtwo, Starmie, Slowpoke
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Blasts your foe with a shock of psychic
energy doing damage, blinding and
confusing them
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Haunter, Gengar, Nidorina,
Nidoqueen, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Remove any slowness effect you might
have in replacement for speed 2 for 2
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Raichu, Arcanine,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Quick Guard:
Type: Fighting
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Gain insane Haste for 15 seconds. Great
for raiding
Can be used on:
Mew, Growlithe, Machop, Machoke,
Kangaskhan, Arcanine, Mewtwo, Machamp
Quiver Dance:
Type: Bug
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Bump up all your sword's enchants by one
level for 15 seconds with the trade of
limited inventory use
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Kabutops, Poliwrath, Mewtwo
Rapid Spin:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Spin around and attack up to 3 enemies
around you for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Gengar, Staryu,
Poliwrath, Weedle, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo,
Machamp, Starmie, Poliwag, Machop,
Machoke, Nidoqueen
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Focus yourself and heal 60% of your
health in 30 seconds
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Venusaur
Righteous Speed:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Give a nearby ally the ability to ride
you. Then, once they dismount, they will
be launched forward!
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Snorlax, Nidoking,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Poliwhirl, Muk,
Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Rhydon,
Lapras, Kangaskhan, Chansey
Safe Play:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Gain extra absorbtion hearts for 20
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Slowbro, Mewtwo, Chansey
Savage Spin Out:
Type: Bug
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Rapidly shoot arrows at your opponents
for 8 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Staryu, Poliwrath,
Charizard, Mewtwo, Starmie
Shadow Ball:
Type: Ghost
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Harness the shadows and launch a
condensed form at an enemy to leave
drastic effects
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Gastly,
Kadabra, Mewtwo, Starmie
Shadow Sneak:
Type: Ghost
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Turn invisible for 20 seconds and gain
speed allowing you to sneak into bases.
Does not work in combat.
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Kabutops, Alakazam,
Gengar, Gastly, Kabuto, Kadabra, Mewtwo
Type: Flying
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Get out of any situation with ease by
launching into the air and gliding down
slowly, giving you a chance to find a
new vantage point
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Gengar, Weedle,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Spectral Thief:
Type: Ghost
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Leave your body in order to sneak into
bases. Keep your body well hidden!
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Haunter, Gengar, Muk,
Type: Ground
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Summon a totem that deals continuous
damage to nearby enemies
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Grimer, Mew, Blastoise, Rhyhorn,
Muk, Mewtwo
Spiky Shield:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Summon an immensly powerful shield
making you invincible for 5 seconds
while dealing damage to anyone who
opposes you!
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Dragonair, Dragonite,
Mewtwo, Chansey
Stone Edge:
Type: Rock
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Launches stones at your enemies for some
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Kabutops, Rhyhorn, Mewtwo,
Taunting Nightmare:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Using your inner mischief, make 2
fragile clones of yourself that last for
10 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Kadabra,
Abra, Mewtwo, Starmie
Tectonic Venom:
Type: Poison
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Ever wanted your own arena to fight
people inside of? Build your own in an
instant, but gain an advantage by
poisioning everyone fighting you inside!
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Snorlax, Muk, Mewtwo
Tectonic Wrath:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Call upon the earth and rise up a 15
block tall pillar, teleporting and
trapping all nearby enemies on top for
30 seconds
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Charmeleon, Snorlax,
Rhyhorn, Dragonite, Charizard, Mewtwo
Type: Psychic
Use Type: Travel
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Teleport yourself to the nearest enemy
for a surprise attack
Can be used on:
Mew, Alakazam, Kadabra, Abra, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Dash forward dealing damage to enemies
in front of you
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Kabutops, Growlithe,
Nidoking, Nidorino, Kabuto, Arcanine,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Trick Room:
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
Summon your inner mischief and throw
your next enemy into a glass cage along
with anyone near them
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar,
Kadabra, Mewtwo
Triple Kick:
Type: Fighting
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Common
Push an enemy back with numerous kicks
Can be used on:
Mew, Machoke, Poliwrath, Arcanine,
Mewtwo, Machamp
Vicious Rumble:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
For every time you hit your enemy, hit
them 2 times more. Lasts for 5 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Arcanine,
Mewtwo, Machamp
Volt Tackle:
Type: Electric
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Uncommon
Rush an enemy directly in front of you
and paralyse them allowing you to strike
a fatal blow
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Electabuzz, Pikachu,
Raichu, Mewtwo
Wild Charge:
Type: Electric
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Epic
On your next attack, pack a strong punch
and throw the next enemy you hit far
away slowing them, but the hit will
leave you confused
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidoking, Nidorino, Arcanine,
Dragonair, Dragonite, Mewtwo
Wood Hammer:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Binding
Rarity: Rare
Summon a sharp falling block of wood
above a nearby enemy for some damage to
them and nearby enemies
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Rhyhorn, Poliwrath,
Slowbro, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Slowpoke
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
Harness your healing potential on every
13th hit on an enemy while also getting
the chance to remove some of their
Can be used on:
Mew, Poliwrath, Arcanine, Mewtwo
Aqua Ring:
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Rare
Become weaker but in return regenerates
life faster
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Snorlax, Nidoking,
Nidorino, Squirtle, Dragonite, Mewtwo,
Venusaur, Starmie, Lapras, Electabuzz,
Dragonair, Wartortle, Chansey
Bulk Up:
Type: Fighting
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Epic
Gain strength and resistance every few
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Growlithe, Snorlax,
Machoke, Arcanine, Charizard, Mewtwo,
Type: Electric
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain a surge of resistance when you
enter a battle
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Snorlax,
Rhyhorn, Poliwrath, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Ivysaur, Venusaur, Chansey
Type: Poison
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Confuse players around yourself
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Electabuzz, Alakazam,
Gengar, Gastly, Kadabra, Mewtwo
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
Strike firmly to give slowness upon the
10th hit on an enemy
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Arcanine,
Mewtwo, Machamp
Cotton Guard:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Surrounds yourself with a shield of
cotton giving resistance with little
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Venusaur,
Type: Ghost
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Rare
Slow yourself in order to gain more
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Nidoking, Dragonair,
Dragonite, Mewtwo
Type: Water
Use Type: Travel
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
The user is one with the water and gains
buffs when in contact with any form of
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Staryu,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo,
Starmie, Slowpoke, Lapras, Poliwag,
Dream Eater:
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Combined with Hypnosis, the user
manipulates the targets dreams and gains
power from it until the target awakens
from their slumber
Can be used on:
Mew, Gengar, Mewtwo
Type: Fire
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Basic
Sets enemies that are close to you on
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Kabutops, Growlithe,
Kangaskhan, Kabuto, Charmander, Arcanine,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Type: Flying
Use Type: Travel
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain the ability to glide while in the
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Weedle,
Charizard, Mewtwo
Giga Drain:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Rare
Harness your ultimate healing potential
on every 5th hit on an enemy
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Kabutops, Snorlax,
Rhyhorn, Mewtwo, Chansey
Heal Bell:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Epic
Gain potential health back when
afflicted by debuffs
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Nidoqueen,
Slowbro, Mewtwo, Wartortle, Ivysaur,
Venusaur, Chansey
Healing Wish:
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Epic
Gain potential to gain health back on
being hit
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Lapras, Mew, Snorlax, Poliwrath,
Slowbro, Mewtwo, Machamp, Slowpoke
Last Resort:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Rare
Burst with power on your dying breath.
Activates if you are on 3 hearts or
Can be used on:
Mew, Kangaskhan, Arcanine, Mewtwo, Machamp
Mega Drain:
Type: Grass
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Harness your improved healing potential
on every 9th hit on an enemy while also
getting the chance to steal some of
their hunger
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidoking, Nidorino, Dragonite,
Slowbro, Mewtwo, Machamp, Ivysaur,
Venusaur, Slowpoke, Machoke, Kangaskhan,
Poison Powder:
Type: Poison
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Sprinkle poision powder to nearby
enemies giving poison
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Grimer, Mew, Electabuzz, Gengar,
Bulbasaur, Muk, Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Venusaur
Sand Attack:
Type: Ground
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
Blinds all enemies next to you for an
extended amount of time
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Blastoise, Alakazam,
Nidoran?, Nidoking, Nidorino, Arcanine,
Slowbro, Muk, Mewtwo, Machamp, Slowpoke,
Growlithe, Machop, Machoke, Kangaskhan,
Kadabra, Abra, Wartortle
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
Gives you a random chance to scratch an
enemy causing them to bleed
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Poliwrath, Arcanine,
Weedle, Charizard, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo,
Machamp, Poliwag, Growlithe, Machop,
Machoke, Kangaskhan, Charmander
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Rare
Blinds all enemies near you
Can be used on:
Haunter, Gengar, Snorlax, Pikachu,
Charizard, Mewtwo, Ivysaur, Poliwag,
Nidorina, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Mew,
Charmeleon, Staryu, Poliwrath, Dragonite,
Weedle, Poliwhirl, Dratini, Venusaur,
Starmie, Gastly, Raichu, Nidoran?,
Nidoqueen, Dragonair, Chansey
Stealth Rock:
Type: Rock
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Draw an invisible circle around you that
damages and alerts you of people
entering or leaving your presence.
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Electabuzz, Snorlax,
Rhyhorn, Poliwrath, Dragonite, Weedle,
Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Poison
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Epic
Poison players around you with a strong
and unforgiving damage
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Haunter, Kabutops,
Alakazam, Gengar, Slowbro, Muk, Mewtwo,
Machamp, Venusaur, Lapras, Machoke,
Raichu, Kangaskhan
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain the chance to summon a whirlpool
every hit to suck nearby enemies away
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Arcanine,
Slowbro, Mewtwo
Wide Guard:
Type: Rock
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
See your allies through walls
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Alakazam, Staryu, Weedle,
Muk, Mewtwo, Starmie, Electabuzz,
Nidorina, Raichu, Nidoqueen, Kadabra
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Passive
Rarity: Common
Gives you a random chance to tackle an
enemy causing them to bleed
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Nidoran?, Nidoking,
Nidorino, Squirtle, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Ivysaur, Venusaur, Nidorina, Bulbasaur,
Nidoran?, Nidoqueen, Wartortle
All-Out Pummelling:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Auto attack any enemy you look at 9
blocks away for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Pikachu,
Poliwrath, Kabuto, Arcanine, Dragonite,
Weedle, Dratini, Mewtwo, Machamp,
Rhydon, Rhyhorn, Raichu, Kangaskhan,
Body Slam:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Launch forward and Body Slam anyone in
the way while sending them upwards!
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Snorlax, Nidoking,
Nidorino, Poliwrath, Weedle, Poliwhirl,
Muk, Mewtwo, Venusaur
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Captivate your entire audience excluding
allies and disable their ability to use
any charge moves
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Gengar,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Weedle, Muk, Mewtwo,
Venusaur, Rhydon, Lapras, Chansey
Type: Fighting
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Gain the temporary ability to bounce
back Binding and Charge moves inflicted
on you!
Can be used on:
Grimer, Mew, Charmeleon, Blastoise,
Snorlax, Poliwrath, Slowbro, Weedle,
Charizard, Poliwhirl, Muk, Mewtwo,
Ivysaur, Venusaur, Starmie, Slowpoke,
Rhydon, Lapras, Nidorina, Rhyhorn,
Charmander, Nidoqueen, Wartortle, Chansey
Crushing Dash:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Launch your enemy and yourself into the
air and deal damage as you force them
back down again
Can be used on:
Mew, Charmeleon, Alakazam, Gengar,
Nidoking, Poliwrath, Dragonite, Weedle,
Charizard, Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Machamp,
Destiny Bond:
Type: Ghost
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Binds you and your enemy in a death bond
temporarily. Your death would leave the
other without a chestplate making them
vunerable to your teammates.
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Kabutops, Gengar, Nidoking,
Poliwrath, Slowbro, Weedle, Muk, Mewtwo
Draco Meteor:
Type: Dragon
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Summon a Meteor to fall out of the sky
and damage enemies
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Electabuzz,
Alakazam, Gengar, Nidoqueen, Dragonite,
Weedle, Charizard, Mewtwo, Starmie
Enchanted Shot:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Shoot a slow, but large and deadly beam
that travels for 100 blocks and deals
MASSIVE amounts of damage to anyone in
the way
Can be used on:
Mew, Nidoking, Raichu, Nidoqueen,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Event Horizon:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Launch yourself into the air for the
most impressive body slam possible,
creating a shockwave wherever you land,
forcing all nearby enemies to your
landing spot giving them slowness 2 for
20 seconds!
Can be used on:
Mew, Muk, Mewtwo
Type: Flying
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Brew up a storm sending enemies in the
vicinity flying
Can be used on:
Rhydon, Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Gengar,
Nidoqueen, Dragonite, Weedle, Muk,
Mewtwo, Starmie
Hydro Cannon:
Type: Water
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Blast your opponent with massive amounts
of water to cause serious harm
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Blastoise, Staryu,
Squirtle, Slowbro, Mewtwo, Wartortle,
Starmie, Slowpoke
Massive Shield:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Put on a large, uncomfortable shield
which gives 12 extra hearts and
resistance 2 in exchange for slowness,
weakness and confusion
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Snorlax, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Venusaur, Chansey
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Make a 6 block high wall right in front
of you that lasts for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Arcanine, Muk, Mewtwo,
Machamp, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Rhydon,
Bulbasaur, Machop, Machoke, Kangaskhan
Multishot Barrage:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Rare
Shoot 3 arrows instead of 1 from your
bow. Lasts for 30 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Alakazam, Gengar, Gastly,
Staryu, Kangaskhan, Kadabra, Weedle,
Muk, Mewtwo, Starmie
Type: Dragon
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Gain immense power for a moment when
activated to destroy anyone in your
path. The after effects however aren't
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Arcanine, Dragonite,
Weedle, Mewtwo, Machamp
Piercing Arrows:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Common
Your bow shots do 3x more damage for 20
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Kabuto,
Nidoqueen, Mewtwo, Starmie
Predator Instincts:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Gain speed 5 for 28 seconds but lose the
ability to jump
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Kabutops, Alakazam,
Gengar, Raichu, Arcanine, Mewtwo, Machamp
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: hLegendaryh
Your Mewtwo charges his power to unleash
a vortex of his psychic powers. Freezes
and damages all nearby players.
Can be used on:
Mew, Mewtwo
Type: Psychic
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Rare
Take a long and risky rest to completely
heal up
Can be used on:
Lapras, Mew, Snorlax, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Venusaur, Chansey, Slowpoke
Stand United:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Rare
Does one of you allies need help? TP to
your closest ally and gain resistance 3
for 30 seconds in order to protect your
Can be used on:
Mew, Blastoise, Snorlax, Poliwrath,
Squirtle, Dragonite, Slowbro, Mewtwo,
Wartortle, Venusaur, Chansey
Strafing Process:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Pounce a few blocks to the left or right
every bow shot to help yourself dodge.
Lasts for 40 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Haunter, Kabutops, Alakazam,
Gengar, Arcanine, Dragonite, Weedle,
Muk, Mewtwo, Starmie, Electabuzz,
Kadabra, Abra
Thunder Punch:
Type: Electric
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Uncommon
Summon the power of thunder and deal
double damage for 2 hits with a chance
of paralysing your enemy
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Pikachu, Poliwrath,
Dragonite, Mewtwo, Machamp, Rhydon,
Electabuzz, Machoke, Raichu, Kangaskhan,
Toxic Jumping:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Travel
Style: Charge
Rarity: Common
Give yourself jump boost 6 for 10
seconds while giving poision to everyone
nearby for 15 seconds
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Gengar, Raichu,
Dragonair, Dragonite, Weedle, Mewtwo,
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Charge
Rarity: Basic
Take advantage of your surroundings and
disguise yourself as a nearby enemy
Can be used on:
Mew, Mewtwo, Ditto
Twilight Shroud:
Type: Normal
Use Type: Raiding
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Give yourself an invisible circle where
if you're in it, gain invisibility. Make
sure you don't hold anything!
Can be used on:
Mew, Kabutops, Alakazam, Gengar,
Poliwrath, Kabuto, Arcanine, Weedle,
Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Growlithe, Raichu,
Wild Pounce:
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Charge streight ahead at your enemy. If
you land a hit, you will knock your
enemy back dealing massive damage, or
will take damage yourself if you hit a
wall instead!
Can be used on:
Mew, Snorlax, Nidoking, Nidorino,
Poliwrath, Arcanine, Dragonite, Charizard,
Poliwhirl, Mewtwo, Machamp, Rhydon,
Growlithe, Machoke
Type: Normal
Use Type: PVP
Style: Charge
Rarity: Epic
Shoot a long range boomerang wherever
you aim that goes through all enemies in
the way for damage going towards the
enemy and damage on the way back
Can be used on:
Mew, Alakazam, Nidoran?, Nidoking,
Nidorina, Nidorino, Nidoran?, Nidoqueen,
Kadabra, Mewtwo, Starmie