Hey everyone, we're busy working on Generation 3 but I had some ideas on my mind that I'd like to share.
If you agree with the idea's I have, leave a reply and let everyone know about these so we can get the ideas into the Generation 3 map!
I was thinking of having Kurt, the pokeball master in the Gen 3 map.
Don't know who kurt is? Here, click
this link.
My idea of how it could work:
Kurt the Pokeball master.
As known in the Pixelmon mod, you can get Apricorns and make pokéballs by yourself.
I would like to see this back in PokeFind. This way there is another awesome addition to the adventure!
How I would like to see it work:
- Apricorn trees will spawn around the world (Just like pokestops). But the trees will also spawn off-road and in the forrests/mountains.
- You can right click the tree and you will be given an Apricorn matching the color of the apricorn that was on the tree. (Like in the original games)
- The trees will be fully grown after 12 hours again, this way you can't spam the tree and use the apricorns to farm money.
- Farm money? I was thinking of this: You can either sell the apricorns for 35 coins each, or use it to make Pokeballs at Kurt's house.
- Once you have the apricorns, you can go to Kurt's house (I was thinking of it being a little bit hidden near a forrest where you can catch bug/grass pkmn (Like in Soul Silver version))
- You can trade 2 apricorns, each color combination results in a different set of pokeballs. Kurt will take the apricorns and use 24 hours to make 3 pokeballs.
- When you have traded the apricorns, you can't trade again. YOu will have to wait till the next day (Same time) to get your free pokeballs and trade again.
- Using this we can have a lot more fancy pokeballs and will it still be fun to try out new things.
- NOTE: You will not be able to trade the special pokeballs with other people.
I know that we already have Pokestops.
But what if they gave us a little more? Such as eggs!?
That's why I came up with this.
I think it still needs tweaking, speaking of the numbers for tokens & coins, but It could be a cool addition.
Loot Keys. Keys that you can get from pokéstops, and special Keys that you can buy from the store.
Tier of the Keys:
- Basic (after running through 2-3 stops)
- Uncommon(after running through 6-10 stops)
- Rare (after running through 13-19 stops)
- Epic (after running through 21-25 stops)
- Ancient (after running through 29-35 stops)
- Special Key (Bought from store for e.g. 19.99)
You will be able to go to the Key master in the 3rd gen map.
When you get to the NPC you can exchange the Key for a pice of loot. (Random spinner like the egg system)
- Coins
(max 1.000 with the Basic Key)
(max 3.500 with the Rare Key)
(max 7.500 with the Epic Key)
(max 12.000 with the Ancient Key)
(max 50.000 with Special Key)
- Tokens
(max 2 with the Basic Key)
(max 5 with the Rare Key)
(max 9 with the Epic Key)
(max 15 with the Ancient Key)
(Max 35 with Special Key)
- Evolution items
(Fire, Water and Leaf stones from Basic Key)
(Thunder, Moon, Sun, Dawn and Dusk stones from Rare Key)
(Ice and Shiny stones from Epic Key)
(Kings Rock, Up-Grade and Metal Coat from Ancient Key)
(All items from Special Key)
- a RareRare chance to get a RareRare egg, gen 1, 2 and 3
(Rare Egg Gen 1, 2 and 3 from Rare Key (~15%))
(Rare Egg Gen 1, 2 and 3 from Epic Key (~25%))
(Rare Egg Gen 1, 2 and 3 from Ancient Key (~35%))
(Rare Egg Gen 1, 2 and 3 from Special Key (~50%))
- a VERY Rare chance of getting a Master Ball using the Ancient Key
You can already search for those pokémon that give you certain EV's.
But what if there was a special area to train your EVs?
EV Training area
A special area in the map where all sorts of pokémon spawn to train your EVs.
It is like the safari zone, but it costs 5000 coins to enter for max 30 min
This area is split in for example
- A lake, where water EV pokémon spawn.
- A Forrest, where bug/grass EV pokémon spawn
- A Rocky area where Rock/Ground/Steel EV pokémon spawn.
etc, etc.
This would be a fun replacement for the Safari zone in the Generation 3 map.
I hope the safari in the Generation 2 Map will be usable soon enough!
Those where the Suggestions on my side for now.
Reply if you want to see them or not, I really REALLY want to see Kurt haha.
New suggestions will be posted underneath
(Idea by scourgepaul, profile:
click here )
Having the Daycare Man and Woman.
You are able to let one of your pokémon to be trained by these 2 fantastic NPCs.
Pokémon Daycare
Per level it costs 500 coins.
One level takes around 1 hour (While you are online) to be trained.
- You cannot train your pokémon while you're offline. That would be WAY too easy to level up your pokémon.
In combination with the loot keys:
- You have the chance of getting a free amount of levels using the Special key.
- Open a PokéCrate with the Special Key and you can get up to 5 free levels on your pokémon.
- NOTE #1: Could be handy for High level pokémon that are harder to train. (These might also take up to 2 hours to train WHILE being online)
- NOTE #2: When a pokémon passes a level where it learns a new move, that move gets skipped and you can only get it back by using the move relearner (Between Foretree & Amber city)
(Idea by champtwky, profile:
click here)
As in the original pokémon games you were able to go to a museum (or lab) and choose a fossil.
These fossils contained pokémon that you weren't able to catch in the wild.
You have (Like evolution items) an even more rare chance of getting fossils from PokéStops.
These fossils can then be researched and hatched in a special lab in the Generation 3 Map.
- Fossils cannot be traded, the pokémon that hatch from them can!
- Selling fossils to the lab will give you a lot of coins instead.
- Helix fossil: 25.000 Coins
- Dome fossil: 25.000 Coins
- Old Amber: 30.000 Coins
- Root fossil: 35.500 Coins
- Claw fossil: 37.500 Coins
I like the idea of being able to hatch fossils like in the original games.
Making PokéFind even more unique of a game but still having the vibes of Pokémon Go.
(extended from an apricorn bag suggested by dombatt1, profile:
click here)
We have our inventory, and all items stack. but still we have most of the time not enough space.
In that case, it would be great to have a bag with us!
- When you join the map, you get a bag.
- The bag is accesable via right-click or via /bag.
- The bag has as much space as 3 pages from the PC, and can be expanded by buying an expansion kit from the store ($5,99)