My name is Thomas and I'm a Yeti, but my ign is MrColdHollow, although most call me Hollow. I have been streaming the server now for 3 days and ba da ba ba I'm loving it (McDonald's) I grew up playing Pokemon red, blue, yellow and when I found this server I was estatic! A vanilla server with Pokemon!
Anyway I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. And share my streaming link which will be below. I do a lot of giveaways (ranks and eggs) and enjoy chilling with my viewers. Feel free to click the link, create an account and you will be notified via email when I stream. I also tweet my streams so follow there too.
Now some might say that this is a plug to share my streams but I really just love to hang out with people from the server and give them free stuff this is who I am so this is my introduction. I've met a lot of you already and can't wait to meet more! See ya around fellow trainers
Last edited: Apr 11, 2017