Island Gone? ): Please give it back

Discussion in 'Help' started by Gladiola, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    I was banned for one day for "Glitch Abuse (Assist)". My best friend, Andi931 and I were on a island together. We evolved our gengar and it wouldn't stop evolving. We couldn't withdraw it, trust me we tried EVERYTHING! Mist69 and DevNet fixed it for a day but it came back, but instead of evolving it was evolving and duplicating itself. The next day I come on, my island is gone. My island was 25k and we had over 100 stacks of igs. It was a LOTTTTTTTT. We had 7 stacks+ ig spawners in one of our chests and we had more placed. We also had a double chest full of shadow lugias. Not to mention, we had a zapdos (which I paid for). We had even more than all that. You can ask ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All because of your server's stupid glitch I lost all of my progress. Why didn't you just get rid of the gengar via commands. Do you just expect me to start ALL over again? I spent over 5 days trying to get to the level that I was at. You didn't have to ruin my life.

    Give me it back. ): Please. I was even thinking of buying a rank on this server.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  2. UV_Hail

    UV_Hail Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
  3. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    I am unbanned.... And I'm pretty sure Mist69 was the one who deleted it. I think that other staff members thought that we purposely glitched our gengar. Mist69 is also inactive on the forums. ): I can't find any staff online.
  4. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    Can you get mist69 or Devnet or SOMEBODY that is an admin. ): I am freakin out. I worked so hard on that island!!!
  5. UV_Hail

    UV_Hail Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Perhaps message Devnet instead of Mist69, he may respond quicker?
  6. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    It's no use. ): They accused me of "duping". They found 28 ig/iron golem stacks and a bunch of diamond blocks. I got my iron golem spawners from ItzExcqlibur (she has 600k is level). I got my dia blocks from my rhydon farm, which I filled up with diamonds so it would only get diamonds. ): They thought I duped all of that even so I didn't. I will never get my island back and I am just going to quit this server, I lost everything. @MrJoshyy said that I will never get a refund of my zapdos and other stuff. UGH! I didn't even dupe ANYTHING! People have more than me. I have nothing compared to other high island levels. Please convince them that I didn't dupe or do anything not allowed.
  7. UV_Hail

    UV_Hail Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    :( You will need to restart your island unless you can convince the managers that you obtained everything through legitimate methods. I cannot really help with that I'm sorry.
  8. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    Can't they just check my account for hacks?
  9. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    Like she said, you will need to convince the managers you got everything legit. Otherwise you will start fresh with nothing from before.
  10. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    I have tried convincing them. They won't listen to me because I am just a member. I would need someone with more authority than me to convince them. P.S I have joined somebodies island now but I would still like my stuff back. I had a zapdos which I really need because I can't afford another one.
  11. Gladiola

    Gladiola New Member

    Oct 16, 2017
    Can't somebody just check my account for hacks or somethin'? There is not really a way to convince them because admins don't play skyblock often. They don't know how bad the economy is. Everybody (even lvl 0) has over a stack of igs. I had 28 stacks of igs and that is nothing compared to other people. @MrJoshyy Could one of you guys involve more admins into this. Like I said a million times. I REALLY want my stuff back.
  12. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    You would need to convince them as they are the ones who have the power to override that stuff. Not really another way to go about it.