Hey everyone!, I have decided to become active on the forums here and I thought if I do I should introduce myself. So my ign is Its_Donut and I have been playing pokefind since like July of 2k17. Ive always loved Pokémon since I was introduced as a young child to the shows. I have been currently trying to complete ultra sun rn lol. But anyways I am like always on because like pokefind is life. You can find me in any of the gamemods(Pokeworld,Skyblock, and or Pokewars). And if you ever need help you can ask me in-game if you ever see me or just give me a msg on discord. (Its_Donut#3123) I hope everyone has an amazing day/night !
Welcome Its_Donut!! The famous Its_Donut has finally made an introduction! If you ever need anything, you can always message me! Welcome to the team.
Welcome to the forums Its_Donut! Also welcome to the staff team, I look forward to working with you. Hope you enjoy your time.
Welcome to the forums, and to the team. Quite lovely to have you here. I'm always around if you ever have any questions!
Welcome its_donut! I reckon u know who I am already anyway Just saying pizza/strawberries aren’t good. Just hail the RICE!