Hello people, thank you for making this awesome server and letting me be a part of it. I have loved it from the start to now but I feel like there are some things that should be added or fixed. We'll start of with the fixes: 1. There should be a ban on duplicate pokemons and legend or Make a new "Cbattle" for those who are wanting to fight with legendaries. 2.We need to add a "npc" for the Renaming poke due to the popularity of people wanting Umbreon or Espeon. 3. Increase the timer for the Mystery Man on Gen 2 or reduce the Cities that he may spawn in. The Legendary Event Now for the major idea that people have brainstormed (Credits to Samlach, Sky106) The concept of this event is to gain a legendary while doing multiple task to a completion to get one. It will only occur once per 6 months or whenever you may decide. 1. To enter the Legendary event you will have to collect the mysterious shards (Anything you guys can think of) that have started appearing in PokeStops (0.00000001 chance) in the Kyoto and Jataro Region. 2. When it is all collected you will be teleported to a Mysterious character (Hemlock) that tells you a "Mysterious Unknown Pokemon have been lurking in the Regions. You are the one chosen trainer that must complete certain task into capturing it" (Storyline) 3. With this Message delivered from the mysterious man you can pick what legend by the mysterious man asking theses questions... 1. "Could it be...the Guardian of the skies?" (Ho-Oh) 2. "Could it be...the Guardian of the sea?" (Lugia) 3. "Oh no...It hasn't broken out of containment?" (MewTwo) 4. "Could it be The Phantom?" (Mew) 5. "Could it have Time-Traveled to our time for a reason?" (Celebi) 6. "You heard it was born from the Eruption of the volcano?" (Entei) 7. "You heard that it Descended with lighting?" (Raikou) 8. "You heard that it races around the world purifying water?" (Suicune) 4.With you finish choosing the storyline of that legendary pokemon, you must now complete the task that Hemlock has trusted you with, it must be completed with in 5 days (If not then you will not get the chosen legendary). 5. Now I have not thought of the task that will be needed so please feel free to pitch in idea as I say it is only a silly idea 6. When you have completed all of the tasks, you will be transported to the mysterious man which will be revealed to be Hemlock this whole time (Who knew right?) and will gift you the chosen legendary. 7. "Splendid! That was unbelievable! I know this is a long shot but I want to improve this server and help as much as I can Thank you for taking your time reading this and hope for the feedback good or bad
I am happy you addressed Legendary events , I have also been thinking of ideas. But I think that stuff will be hard but I really like the dialogue professor hemlocks uses to describe the legend without revealing the legend.
As we see Pokefind grow and improve, I can see the new NPC trainers playing an important role in witnessing the Legendary and providing an exclusive comment that leads the chosen trainer to another task. After collecting the "shard(Tradable)" and "choosing a storyline," Professor Hemlocke says "Go talk to other trainers for any sightings of this Mysterious Unknown Pokemon". There can be up to 3 random NPC trainers that will provide the highlighted message and leading us to the next task. In the end, the Legendary should be battled and caught with any pokeball rather than gifted.
Thx for the credit friend, but you forgot to mention about the part where u can get shards from kits. When you buy your rank, it says access to events, which seem to probably mean legendary events. So how about every time you do /kit, you have a 50-100% chance (server can decide) to get either one or two shards, probably just one. It would still take a while, as you would need like 20 shards, and this would take about 3 months of kits to get all the shards needed, so I think this is a fair thing to add, as when the legendary spawns, it has the chance of having horrible ivs and nature. It just a suggestion, but I hope it gets added <3
Yeah sorry about that there was a lot to remember and I didn't write them down but thanks for the reply
Ya, legendaries to be obtainable without buying them would be great. Also getting the legendary birds depending on your team would be awesome too