PokéFind Lost Items/Pokémon & Donation Guidelines
Hello Trainers! Have you lost your Pokémon/Item before in PokéWorld? Have you not recieved your purchased items before? This guide will explain briefly on how to retrieve back purchased goods and lost Items/Pokémon 
Purchased Goods
If you haven't recieved your ranks/purchased goods for more than 15 minutes, relog! If your purchased goods are still not there, email [email protected]
How to email [email protected]
1. Go type "gmail.com" in your web address. If you do not have gmail, use another website that supports your email.
2. Compose an email by clicking the compose button - If there is no compose button, make a new email to email [email protected]
3. Write down details in the email, send it to "[email protected]" - Include your IGN (In-Game Name), Reciept (Proof Of Purchase) and explaination.
Use the format of:
Explaination: (e.g. I didn't recieve my Champion rank)
IGN: (e.g BobTheBuilder)
Reciept: (e.g Reciept photo here)
4. Click Send!
Lost Items/Pokémon
If you lost your Items/Pokémon in PokéWorld due to some sort of reason and would like to retrieve it back, follow these steps below! Contact a manager on Discord!
How to retrieve lost Items/Pokémon
1. Go join the PokéFind Discord Community! (https://discord.gg/pokefind.co)
2. Message a Manager/Administrator that has a dark red colored role!
3. Tell them what happened, give out any evidence that may support your case. 
How to contact Staff Members for further information/help
1. Join our Discord Community! https
2. Private Message one of our available staff members, Moderators have blue colored roles while Managers have red colored roles
or you can drop a question in #help channel if no staff members are available
3. Click Send!
1. How long does it take for a response?
A: It should be reviewed and responded within 48 hours, if you haven't recieve a reply, contact a staff member through the forums or discord
2. Where do I open my egg(s) after recieving them?
A: Your eggs are not located in your inventory, simply type /spawn in chat and go the the PokéCenter, right click the incubator and crack open your selected available egg(s)
3. I bought items/ranks on the store but I typed my IGN wrongly
A: Contact one of our managers on discord! https://discord.gg/pokefind
Thank you for reading this thread
if you have any further questions or inquires, feel free to drop them in the comment section below!