Mod Question/ Mob spawn issue

Discussion in 'Help' started by songbird72884, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. songbird72884

    songbird72884 New Member

    Nov 12, 2017
    Hi there, I'm aware that the rules state that mods aren't permitted, but I'm wondering if that includes ones that don't affect gameplay as such. I'm having an issue on our island in that a room I thought was fully lit (there are torches all over the place) is still spawning hostile mobs (I've already died to one batch today). The F3 info shows all blocks as lit to above hostile spawn levels, so I'm very confused. I was wondering if it would be permissible to install a mod that shows a light level overlay (I'd have gone for the one called that but it appears to be outdated) to see if I'm somehow missing a block that can spawn them and/or check to see if the mobs are indeed spawning in a fully lit room.

    The only one I know of that can do that is NEI, which I believe should be unusable (in terms of item spawning) on the server, but in order to be safe, I wanted to ask first, and also to ask if there is one the staff know of that would be permissible that doesn't have features like item spawning incorporated, so as to avoid any chance of accidental cheating (I would never cheat on purpose but I'm always wary of glitches causing something to happen by mistake).
  2. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    So we do have some issues with mods being used. Basically anything that gives you a personal advantage over others or anything that affects the gameplay is not allowed. If it's not impacting the gameplay in any way then I don't see a problem. For an example, Optifine is allowed because it helps reduce lag and doesn't affect the gameplay for others giving you an advantage over them. X-ray is not allowed because it gives you an advantage over others in order to see through things that can't normally be seen through. I do not see a problem with a mod affecting light overlay as long as that is all it is doing.
  3. songbird72884

    songbird72884 New Member

    Nov 12, 2017
    Thanks very much for replying so quickly :) I'll see what I can do about finding a non-NEI one, as I say. I know there are a couple of older ones so I'm hoping one of those is still compatible. Must say, I'm very puzzled how the mobs are spawning, as I could swear the room's fully lit (it's not a big room and I think there's about half a stack or more of torches in there). Are hostile mobs able to spawn at all light levels on Skyblock or just the normal ones? We have no spawners besides a chicken spawner, so there's definitely none coming from a spawner.
  4. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    I believe both Mobs are able to spawn. Depends on the conditions. I have a huge skyblock island and friendly mobs spawn everywhere haha. You can see why in this picture. Its a lot of grass.

  5. songbird72884

    songbird72884 New Member

    Nov 12, 2017
    Hi again!

    I've just found yet more hostile mobs in, what I thought was, a fully lit room. After enabling JEI and its lighting overlay, I found that blocks immediately beside torches in several places were showing as red, marking them as possible for hostile mobs to spawn. How is this possible? It means that, even with torches on pretty much every other block (and in several cases on multiple adjacent blocks), we can't go to the other side of our island as hostile mobs spawn there. It wouldn't be an issue, but this is our cobble gen room, which means we have to go back their frequently. It seems to only happen in that room, as well, not in any other rooms on the island, which is very confusing. Is there anything that could be triggering it? I already placed torches to counteract it, but I'll try and get screenshots to show what I mean.
  6. ShootingFor3

    ShootingFor3 Manager / Jedi Master Staff Member Manager Staff Manager Support Manager

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hmm sounds like an weird issue with lighting. Is the room entirely closed off? If so I recommend figuring out how to open up part of it to let the light in like a sunroof type of thing. Not sure why its like that. I don't get any hostile mobs when its an open environment.