i have just tried to sell lots of items gold block lapis blocks emerald ect and I accidently put my level 36 riachu in the sell part and pressed sold I also had 2 stacks of golden apples all gone and no money at all I bought the riachu with real money so I am not impressed please sort this out also the challenges do not work at all on skyblock all this is in skyblock
Please relog/go to the lobby because you shouldn’t be able to sell Pokemon in the shop. We have gotten a lot of big reports about people losing their Pokemon, we are trying to fix this atm. You aren’t the only one that has lost their Pokemon. Please be patient as we sort this out. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I tried everything and support replaced egg however it hasnt replaced my riachu or my money lost i have 2 dittos 2 houndoom and they are useless no one wants them how on earth are you suppose to earn money even the scythers items dont sell the update is quite upsetting tbh
It hasnt come back i know i shouldny be able to sell in the shop lol i wasnt sure what i could sell hense the golden apples being in their however the riachu wasnt supposed to be in their and i lost all and gained no money for it either upsetting it really is