It is basically useless to sell unbans and unmutes when you can simply appeal on the forums and get your punishment revoked for free. Selling unbans and unmutes will just be a waste of money to players and might attract much more hackers which we do not want to have in our servers to ensure your gameplay meets our expectations
Yea also they never revoke your punishment I appealed so many times and it gets denied explain how thats free if you never will get unbaned or unmuted. Lugias every were
Your actions are not deemed forgivable at the time thats why they where denied. As Toasty said buying unbans/unmutes is useless and only brings hackers to the server. Remember actions speak louder than words.
but still poor me I still hopping i get unmuted and unbaned and its not happening for the (3rd time appeal gets denyed)
And how many appeals do I need untill it gets accepted? Pls answer this it has been a year since I was banned and muted