Description: At time during the PokeWars games there might be items failing from the sky like armor/swords/blocks etc. I know this is a known bug but I know what causes it from my experience playing. If you fall into the void and you are killed by magic, your items will fall at mid. I have only had it trigger when I broke a pokeball and killed there team. After 2 minutes of gathering resources at their generator, I tried doing an impossible jump and fell into the void. (This game was against Prok) When I Went into spectator mode for those 5 seconds I saw my items fall at mid. When it happened (date/time): Monday, January 1, Around 2:30 PM Location (server number): PokeWars Map Screenshot/Video proof (if required): I don’t have any but I can record it if it happens again if you would like.
Hey KeeGaming, Thank you for your Report. I would like to inform you that we are aware of the issue and we are trying to find a solution for it. We would appreciate if you could provide some evidence of the issue to help us out! If you have any concerns or any questions, feel free to message me or any other staff member on the Forums or Discord.
I found when it happens I have screenshots atm but I can record next time if wanted. It occurred when I took out a player's Pokeball then killed one of the teammates. Then I jumped not knowing there isn't a block there and fell into the void. Then all my items just fell at mid.
I got the wooden sword back and new armor. There is 2 sets of armor and wooden swords after it happens.
Great! Thanks for your report, we will be taking a look on the bug and will resolve the bug really soon!