Hiya! It's been a while since I made a post about introducing myself, but I feel like I should because I have changed a lot and I've been on here a lot, so without further adieu... My name is Aiden, and my ign is TurtleBallistic. I'm 13, and I love Minecraft, PokeFind, and sports. I have played football, socccer, and basketball. I'm Legend rank, and I chose Mewtwo. I joined in May 2017, so I'm not quite an og. My favorite Pokemon are Mudkip, Sylveon, Scizor, and Alolan Vulpix. I am free to message on Discord at Aiden | TurtleBallistic #7531, or ingame. I am happy to help on PokeWorld. I'm still new to Skyblock and PokeSurvival, and I'm hyped for gen4 and PokeFactions. I love rap, and you can often see me on Discord with the "Listening to Spotify" tag under my name. I love Migos, Juice WRLD, XXXTentacion, and more. Yup.. this is me in a nutshell. Thanks for reading, see you in-game.
Me and you have a lot of things in-common. 1. Sports, 2. Age, 3. Minecraft lovers, etc. Great to learn more about you. Hope you enjoy the community
Welcome to the Forums and its nice to meet you if you need anything feel free to pm me on here or discord i hope to see you around soon
Welcome back, Aiden! I am glad that you decided to make another introduction since you yourself has changed so much. That's pretty cool, and it makes me happy to see! My favorite Pokemon are Umbreon, Snorlax, Ditto, and Mew... :3